Bards & Nobles

Bards & Nobles is a colossal library that stands as a beacon of knowledge and learning in the bustling city of Elyse. A favorite among scholars, adventurers, and nobles alike, the library offers an unparalleled collection of books, scrolls, and tomes covering a wide array of subjects, from the arcane to the historical. Its towering shelves hold centuries of accumulated wisdom, making it a go-to destination for anyone seeking information, whether on the gods, distant lands, or the intricacies of magic.   However, what truly sets Bards & Nobles apart is its most unique service: a collection of preserved severed heads of renowned scholars and researchers. These heads, perfectly preserved and maintained, can be temporarily animated through the spell Speak with Dead, allowing visitors to question the experts themselves—for a price. This unusual and somewhat eerie feature has made Bards & Nobles not just a library but a place of consultation, where the wisdom of the dead continues to serve the living.


Bards & Nobles is a grand structure, built to accommodate its massive owner and the endless rows of books within. The exterior of the library is a blend of elegant stonework and enchanted glass, designed to withstand the elements and time itself. Enormous arched doorways provide entry, and stained glass windows depict scenes of scholarly pursuit and the passing of knowledge, casting colorful reflections into the library when sunlight hits.   Inside, the library is a vast, multi-leveled space with towering shelves that stretch nearly to the ceiling. Ladders and enchanted platforms are available to reach the higher books, allowing patrons of all sizes to access even the most obscure tomes. Comfortable reading nooks, long tables, and softly glowing lanterns are scattered throughout, creating an atmosphere that is both grand and inviting.   At the library's center is a more dimly lit, circular chamber that houses the preserved heads of the past scholars. This area is cordoned off with velvet ropes and guarded by a gentle but clear reminder of the unique and somber nature of this service. Each head sits on a small, ornate pedestal with a placard bearing the scholar’s name, specialty, and a brief description of their expertise. The room has a quiet, almost reverent atmosphere, akin to a shrine or a place of remembrance.


The Heads of Consult   At the heart of Bards & Nobles is its most unique and morbid service: the preserved severed heads of past scholars. For a fee, visitors can use the spell Speak with Dead to consult these experts, gaining answers to five questions on their respective fields of expertise:   Pernan Umeyarus – Firbolg (Specialty: Gods) Pernan was a devoted scholar of deities, religions, and divine history. His gentle demeanor and deep knowledge make him a valuable resource for those seeking insight into the gods and their influences on the mortal realm.   Tybris Strutt – Human (Specialty: Other Regions/History) A well-traveled historian, Tybris dedicated his life to documenting the cultures, histories, and political landscapes of distant lands. His knowledge extends beyond Crestala, making him an invaluable source of information on faraway places.   Sylvyre Amberlight – Elf (Specialty: Different Planes) Sylvyre was an expert in the study of different planes of existence. Her knowledge of the Feywild, Shadowfell, and other realms makes her a sought-after resource for those dealing with interplanar travel or the creatures that dwell within these worlds.   Kara Talizma – Elf (Specialty: Magic) A prodigious mage in life, Kara’s expertise lies in spells, magical theory, and arcane artifacts. She is often consulted by wizards and sorcerers seeking deeper understanding or assistance with complex magical problems.   Brozzom Runemane – Dwarf (Specialty: Politics) Brozzom was a cunning political advisor and scholar, well-versed in the machinations of courts, alliances, and rivalries. His insights are invaluable for those navigating the often treacherous world of Crestalan politics.
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