Ezekiel Northpaw

Ezekiel is the right hand and "Shield" of King Osiris Belmont. You rarely see Osiris without Ezekiel within eyesight.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He is a Leonin with a stoic presence. His fur is a rich blend of brown and goldenrod, with a bright goldenrod mane that he keeps meticulously groomed and tied at the bottom, giving him a regal and disciplined appearance. His sharp, feline eyes gleam with intelligence and vigilance, always alert to his surroundings.   Ezekiel's armor is crafted from glossy black plate metal, polished to a shine that contrasts strikingly against his fur. The armor is intricately detailed with subtle engravings that denote his high rank within the King’s Guard. Draped over his shoulders is a dark red cape that flows behind him as he moves. The cape bears a prominent emblem—a shield with a closed right fist in the center, topped by the king’s crown, symbolizing his unwavering loyalty and service to the throne.   At his hip, Ezekiel carries a well-crafted broadsword, a weapon that has seen countless battles and been maintained with the utmost care. Strapped to his back is a kite shield, its surface emblazoned with the same emblem that graces his cape. Alongside the shield, he carries a spearhead with an extremely short shaft, a weapon designed for close-quarters combat that complements his ferocious fighting style.

Special abilities

Ezekiel is a master of both sword and shield combat, using his broadsword with deadly precision and his shield to both protect and bash foes in battle. The short-shafted spearhead he carries allows him to engage enemies in close quarters with swift, powerful jabs. His combat style is a mix of aggressive offense and stalwart defense, perfectly balancing his Leonin ferocity with disciplined technique.   His agility and strength, combined with his tactical mind, make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Ezekiel’s presence alone can inspire his allies and intimidate his enemies, and he often leads the charge in battle, rallying his troops with roars that echo through the battlefield.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Ezekiel has served in the King’s Guard nearly his entire life, climbing the ranks through sheer skill, dedication, and an unwavering sense of duty. As King Osiris’s most trusted companion, Ezekiel is often found at the king’s side, advising him in matters of security and accompanying him on dangerous missions. His loyalty to Osiris is absolute, and he would lay down his life without hesitation to protect his king.   He is deeply respected by his peers and feared by his enemies. Stories of his valor and bravery are told throughout Crestala, painting him as a legendary figure whose loyalty to the throne is as unbreakable as the armor he wears.



Ezekiel is known for his fierce loyalty, sharp instincts, and unwavering dedication to King Osiris. From a young age, he demonstrated remarkable prowess in combat and a natural talent for leadership, which quickly caught the attention of the king. Taken under Osiris’s wing, Ezekiel was trained not only as a warrior but as a leader, instilling in him the values of honor, discipline, and unyielding loyalty.   He is fiercely protective, seeing his role not just as a duty, but as a sacred responsibility to safeguard the king and the kingdom.


Bright goldenrod
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown, goldenrod
243 lbs.


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