Delilah Duskglow

Born For Greatness

Delilah Duskglow is an important part of the Duskglow family. The youngest child of the renowned scholar of arcane studies Cathrine Duskglow, and Gustav Duskglow, a very well respected alchemist and chemist. She has grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth. The spoon being provided by the silver fox guild of course. Her life has been spent in relative ease, spending her childhood with Shae Rothwyn, Miranda Mayday, and and Nuvron Xanthar. While Delilah wasn't as adventurous as her friends, she did get in trouble with the rothwyn family quite often, given that they disproved of the time she often spent with the peasant boys and girls. One day, Reginald Rothwyn used one of his mother's magic items to turn the butcher's boy into a pig. Delilah did not like that very much, and beat Reginald up after their classes when the two were 10. Due to other recent events with Reginald, the snobbish elf seemed to enjoy messing with Delilah. When Delilah was a teenager, she had a secret relationship with Shae Rothwyn, in which the two had to hide their relationship. Her father however arranged a marriage between Shae and another high elf from the elven homelands. Delilah, angered that Shae didn't even attempt to tell her father she wasn't interested, was offended, even when the wedding didn't end up going through. Delilah then stopped talking to Shae Rothwyn. On Delilah's 16th birthday, on a sheer whim, she decided to donate all of her birthday money to nearby orphanages and churches. On her 17th she donated to local buissiness. Eventually she got addicted to the charity, and more and more civilians seemed to enjoy her, just as much as she enjoyed them. Around the same time, maybe a little bit before, she allied herself with some adventurers by the name of Fluff, TK, and Anzil, granting them a scholarship through her Father's Bahamet blessed adventuring program. They got materials for Father, and killed enemies of the silver fox. The adventurers and Delilah spent time together, as the young girl was interested in their stories, and would deliver their rewards for various quests.

The Azul Rose

After defeating the black sun itself, and executing the downfall of the goddess of trickery, Delilah consumed the essence of the rose. In doing so becoming Orleandra. She used her new powers to turn everything back to normal, stone statues back to people within seconds. She made those who helped her along the way, a Glabrezu, and Contract devil, her angels. Her first Paladin was her dear friend Fluff, who was blessed with immortality. Fluff is now known as High Inquisitor of the Azul Rose. The color of the rose being changed, but the holy symbol retaining it's shape. She rewrote the process at which change and trickery occurs. All contracts having to be concentual and informed. While she will still play with wording to fool those into getting what she desires. But there is always a fair chance for her to be fooled back. Playing with the strands of fate is no fun if there are no strands of your own after all. The Court of the Azul Rose became the new name of the church of Orleanda, the central worship attaching itself to that of Bahamut. A subservient diety under his jurisdiction. Delilah's alignment shifted throughout the years. More neutral good as opposed to chaotic good. Time was spent watching over her beloved friend Sjir. Helping him with small unknown hints of where to find food and shelter on his way back to where he met his closest friend. She also never approached him directly until his quest was completed. Delilah would then spend a hundred years discussing various things with Sjir, to work out things, and keep his immortal life company. The church of Orleanda would start to be seen in a more positive light. Focus of the church directed less on trickery and more on cunning. Delilah would marry Shae Rothwyn, and using the power of a wish spell, create 4 children. Percy Duskglow, Kasander Duskglow, Darwin Duskglow V, and Kathrine Duskglow VI. Eventually though, Delilah would outlive her mortal betrothed, with Shae being too humble to accept immortality.  

The Roses Thorns Return

After a hundred years using the name of the Azul Rose, Delilah felt like she was beginning to loose control of herself. Mood swings, short term memory loss, and other mental ailments began to hit Duskglow all at once. These continued until one day she snapped at the god Bahamut in a rant that was filled with hate. It was more familiar to the goddess she replaced to her own words. Her mind continued to battle itself and she visited several of the other divine beings asking for aid. She would receive news that the essence of the god she devoured began to corrupt and reshape her mind to the personality of the goddess she replaced. Fearing for the worst, Delilah spent her remaining time searching for a way to save herself before she lost her mind completely. Eventually she discovered a large ancient library, upon spending a large amount of time searching its endless halls Delilah found a book that would revoke her divinity. In return though Orleanda would be return to the world as she was prior to Delilah's influence. She would eventually sacrifice her divinity to remain with her large family, although some aspects of Delilah would remain with the Blood Red Rose. Her dealings seeming more fair, and her influence on the worlds politics less vile. Over the years Delilah would remain in Chrisopoulos and acts as the Silver Fox guilds representative in the council of Chrisopoulos. Sharing her wisdom and helping guide the nation of Thassos through this flood.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

-Drawing only good cards from the deck of many things -Being one natural 20 away from killing kasander before endgame. -winning a chess match against Asmodeus.
  • Successfully convincing an entire plane not to attack Kasander on sight.
  • Becoming the goddess of trickery and change.
  • -Convicing a Djinn to make a deal without the deal screwing the party over. -tricking a contract devil into revealing their true name. Somehow getting him to like her enough to go along with her plans.
  • becoming friends with a network of wererats.
  • -Always tricking the drow. Always.
  • Made Sjir Smile.
  • Relationships



    Towards Delilah Duskglow


    Delilah Duskglow


    Towards Fluff


    Koyassa Thraltor


    Towards Delilah Duskglow


    Delilah Duskglow


    Towards Koyassa Thraltor


    Darwin Duskglow


    Towards Delilah Duskglow


    Delilah Duskglow


    Towards Darwin Duskglow


    Shae Rothwyn Duskglow


    Towards Delilah Duskglow


    Delilah Duskglow


    Towards Shae Rothwyn Duskglow



    Trapped Soul

    Towards Delilah Duskglow


    Delilah Duskglow

    Former Host

    Towards Orleanda


    Miranda Mayday


    Towards Delilah Duskglow


    Delilah Duskglow


    Towards Miranda Mayday


    Divine Classification
    Former Goddess
    Chaotic Good
    Date of Birth
    December 23rd
    Year of Birth
    905 IE 395 Years old
    Darwin Duskglow (Brother)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Tanned, blue scales
    125 lbs
    Temple of Bahamut
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal