
Hjarland is a near inhospitable frozen wasteland. Even though it is not a kingdom, let alone a empire its territories are all marked under one name. The story for how Hjarland became this way has been passed down the human and orc tribes for generations. A legendary warlord once was close to uniting the tribes of hjarland under one banner. The day before his final battle, the War God Mak'ata made his presence known to the warlord during a celebration. He challenged him to a honorable duel to determine if he was worthy of ruling such a expansive land. During the duel it seemed like the warlord was going to loose so he cheated against Maka'ta using eye pokes and other dishonorable tactics. Enraged the land that the warlord conquered was cursed with a eternal winter. Now adays within the internal frozen tundra are several tribes and smaller city states.   Some of note is the tribe of Ragnar, said to be a decendent of the original warlord of old, Ragnar is a military genius and is on his way to slowly take over the land once ruled by his bloodline. The next group of note are the Sylphs. Magical geniuses that are in tune with the wind, the sylphs keep neutral in the dealings of their home. They stick to their large city state and focus on philosophy, and the pursuit of knowledge. Several notable heroes have come from the sylph lands throughout history.   Hjarland survived the flood like most of the nations of Aelotas. Currently it is focused on rebuilding most of the lost towns and regaining trade.
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Official Languages
Related Species