

Hussaria used to be a bastion for the worlds mages. Having sprawling universities dedicated to the mystic arts as well as to knowledge only known to the elder races. The land was at peace for hundreds of years and grew until its borders nearly cut the world in half. Eventually the empire’s opinion on the other races became twisted after a war broke out between Hussaria and the land of Avathiel. The war itself was consuming in its length causing both empires to exhaust resources. Near the end of this war an elven assassin killed all but one of the emperor’s children. Blinded by sorrow and rage the emperor had his armies show no mercy to any elf encountered even if they were within the land’s borders. Soon Hussaria was able to push the Avathiel out of the continent forcing them on a large island in the south of the realm. The disgruntled emperor soon passed after the war still unable to accept the loss of his children. Although the royal family never truly managed to forgive the elven people. As the emperors surviving son soon took up the throne. Still being a child, he had no understanding of exactly what happened, all the boy new is that the people known as elves killed his family. Using his authority he started sending members of the elder race into the slums as punishment for a sin that they did not commit. Forcing them from their homes, and if any were to resist they were sent to the dungeons below the capital. The dwarves then spoke out against this treatment and suffered a similar fate. The only dwarves that kept their positions were those who work behind a forge. Soon it came to be that almost all nonhumans have been pushed out of the wealthy portions of cities, either rotting in slums or prospering in the “dungeons” which had quickly become its own world akin to the under dark. Several great mages fleeing the land due to the treatment of nonhumans left the universities the empire once knew empty and devoid of students. Those left protested and demanded that the elven people be treated like fairly. Their protests were simply ignored for years until the child became a adult. Having a still dark heart the emperor used the universities as training sites for a group of mage hunters, making the claim that all magic is from the abyss and must be punished. Upon the creation of this organization a massive portion of the empire split, many moving to Sabab Khasir, or to Thassos.


The Emperor of Hussaria had a meeting with the Vampire Lord, Mordoc Selanmere. Through their talks, Emperor Vladimir made a deal with the elder vampire. He would offer many of his men to the vampires forces, in return Mordoc promised to not destroy Hussaria and would focus soley on the empires enemies. Mordoc did not keep his end of the bargen and would assult and conqure the capital city during one of his visits. As a result killing the emperor and his council. Many would flee the remains of the once massive empire. The mages Guild moving to the deserts to the north, and many of it's civlians moving to the borders of Thassos. Soon many of the empire's lands would belong to Thassos, Locksdeep becoming a important trade hub in the region.
Dissolution Date
720 IE
Geopolitical, Empire
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members