Mordoc SeLanmere

(a.k.a. The Pale Knight, The White Prince)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Long ago, in the long dead empire of Hussaria, there lived a nobleman by the name of Mordoc SeLanmere. Mordoc was renowned for his charm, wealth, and influential status among the aristocracy. He was a man of great ambition, always seeking to expand his power and influence. Mordoc's path to darkness began with an insatiable thirst for immortality. Obsessed with the idea of eternal life, he delved deep into the forbidden arts of necromancy and dark magic. Through his extensive studies, Mordoc uncovered ancient rituals and forbidden knowledge that promised to grant him the gift of everlasting life.   Driven by his desires, Mordoc performed a forbidden ritual that unleashed a powerful curse upon himself. He became a vampire, forever bound to the night and consumed by an unquenchable thirst for blood. The transformation brought with it unimaginable power, as well as an insidious craving that gnawed at his very soul.   With his newfound powers, Mordoc embraced his vampiric nature, reveling in the dark arts and the dominance it granted him over mortals. He created a coven of loyal followers, turning them into vampires and forming an army of undead servants to enforce his will. Under his command, they brought terror and devastation to the lands, preying upon the innocent and spreading fear throughout the realm.   Throughout the years, tales of Mordoc's cruelty and tyranny spread far and wide. His name became synonymous with darkness, and his reign became a symbol of oppression. Many brave knights and heroes attempted to challenge him, seeking to liberate the realm from his malevolent grasp, but all met their doom at the hands of Mordoc and his undead minions. Despite his monstrous nature, Mordoc possessed a cunning intellect and a charisma that allowed him to maintain control over his domain. He became a master manipulator, playing the nobles and courtiers against each other, ensuring his hold on power remained unchallenged. He grew even more formidable with each passing year, his thirst for power and immortality consuming him entirely.   On one of his nights of conquest, Mordoc would come across a drow woman who lived on the surface of Hussaria. Reveling in the beast he became, he would take the poor woman as his own and she would bear his child. This union would be the begining for the Vampire Lords undoing.    Years would pass and Mordoc's conquest of the world of Maeon could not go unnoticed any longer. HiringThe Tenebrosi and influencing the dwarven king Thorrik Break-Fist he would begin to distabalize several major factions of Maeon.  A group of adventurers led by Ingram SeLanmere would soon be hunting the Vampire lord down. While his generals and mercenaries were destroyed by this party, Mordoc would soon conquer the trade capital known as Locksdeep. This place would be were his final stand would begin as legions of undead were slain by that group of adventurers.    His final actions as a threat to all of Maeon would be his undoing, as he anticipated his son to be as selfish as himself. He would cast a spell known as Bloodline. This would tie Mordoc's life to his sons, which gave Ingram the perfect oppurtunity to defeat his father. Carving out his own heart, ingram would end his own life in order to slay The Pale Knight.


Ingram SeLanmere


Towards Mordoc SeLanmere


Mordoc SeLanmere


Towards Ingram SeLanmere


Lawful Evil
Current Status
100 IE 720 IE 620 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by his own son
Place of Death
His own castle in Locksdeep
Long Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization