
The Apex Beast

As the races of the world advanced and established their civilizations, an ever-widening chasm formed between humanity and the untamed creatures of the land. This rift grew insurmountable as mortals, no longer harboring fear of the wild, hunted and consumed numerous wondrous beings that once roamed Maeon. The relentless pursuit of unique life forms, coupled with the conversion of their habitats into sprawling cities, left an anguished echo resonating through the world. From the depths of this collective suffering, a divine entity emerged, born from the tormented cries of the wildlife—a being known as Larocia, the Mother of Beasts.   With her creation, Larocia beheld the humanoid races as a blight upon the world, encroaching upon lands once inhabited by her beloved children. In response to this perceived threat, she resolved to reintroduce a primal fear into the hearts of mortals. Thus, she set about resurrecting some of the long-lost creatures of history, reviving the mighty Terrasque, the elusive Displacer Beast, and the magnificent Anomalocaris among others. These awe-inspiring beings, once vanquished from the annals of time, were to serve as harbingers of terror, reminding humanity of their vulnerability and igniting within them a primal instinct long forgotten.   Amidst this tumultuous era, a group of druids rose to worship the Mother of Beasts, driven by an ardent desire to demonstrate to Larocia the genuine warmth and compassion that many humanoids held for the natural world. These druids sought to quell the goddess's wrath, forging a connection between mortals and the wild through their unwavering reverence. Yet, the success of their endeavors remains a subject of debate and uncertainty, as the intricate workings of a divine entity's mind defy simple comprehension.   In the face of Larocia's resurgence and the resurgence of these ancient creatures, the world finds itself standing at a precipice—a fragile balance between the primal forces of nature and the unyielding march of civilization. Only time will reveal whether the efforts of the druids, or the depths of mortal empathy, will be enough to assuage the fury of the Mother of Beasts or if Maeon shall forever remain locked in an eternal struggle between man and nature.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life, Vengence, Fear, Beasts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crude circle. Within it are the heads of a ram, a dragon, and a panther.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The reclamation of Nature to the great beasts of Maeon.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Created the Curse of Lycanthropy as a gift to her humanoid followers.


Darak òrdail


Towards Larocia




Towards Darak òrdail


Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Darak òrdail (Brother)
Deep red
None, Although some depictions illustrate them with lion like fur.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Charred Black Scales
Several Tons
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Aklo, Druidic