
Guilds and Factions

Kaihō Okurinushi - An order of Ninjas who use blood magic to teleport around the realm of Maeon. Their purpose is to dismantle the institution of slavery around the realm, although they seem hyper focused to only help out their catfolk breatheren.   Chi Kyasutā - An order of mages who specialize in Blood magic and Ritual Casting. Their knowledge was taken from several Yuan-Ti temples across the realm of Maeon.


In the distant past, the Catfolk of Maeon flourished in the lands of Saleth and Aelotas, their agile forms and feline grace a distinctive presence in the realms. However, their peaceful existence was shattered when Djinn and other noble entities sought to exploit them, viewing the Catfolk as subservient beings. In the face of oppression, the Catfolk were forced to flee, seeking refuge on various islands scattered throughout Maeon's vast expanse.   One such group of Catfolk, determined to reclaim their freedom and establish a sanctuary, ventured to The Green Cesspool, a treacherous and foreboding island known for its goblinoid inhabitants. Seizing a portion of this murky land, the Catfolk forged a hidden settlement within the labyrinthine swamps, far away from prying eyes. Here, they established a base of operations, utilizing their ancestral knowledge and mystical prowess to break the chains that bind their kind.   Operating in the shadows, the Catfolk of The Green Cesspool have formed a clandestine group of ninjas, harnessing ancient magics passed down through generations. These stealthy warriors traverse the lands of Maeon, liberating their Catfolk brethren from oppressive forces and ensuring their safety. With agility and precision, they navigate the perilous terrains, defying those who seek to suppress their heritage.   However, the cunning goblins of The Green Cesspool soon caught wind of the Catfolk's presence on their island. Recognizing an opportunity for exploitation, they began a campaign of extortion against the Catfolk community. Under the guise of an "Invisibility Tax," the goblins demand increasingly exorbitant payments from the Catfolk, threatening to expose their hidden settlement to the rest of Saleth if their demands are not met. The weight of this burden grows heavier with each passing day, and the Catfolk find themselves trapped in a perilous dance of survival, struggling to keep up with the escalating fines imposed upon them.   As the "Invisibility Tax" continues to escalate, tensions rise between the Catfolk and the goblinoid inhabitants of The Green Cesspool. The Catfolk are left with a difficult choice: either succumb to the oppressive demands and risk exposing their sanctuary to the world, or unite and find a way to break free from the goblin's hold, reclaiming their autonomy and securing their rightful place on the island they now call home. The future of the Catfolk's hidden community hangs in the balance, as they navigate the treacherous landscape of secrecy and resistance within The Green Cesspool.
Founding Date
730 IE
Large city
Location under