The Emerald Pyre


The Emerald Pyre stands as an ominous sentinel in the heart of the Green Cesspool, a twisted monument that exudes an unsettling aura of malevolence. Rising from the putrid swamplands like a grotesque finger pointing to the heavens, this towering edifice was constructed for one sinister purpose: to serve as a conduit of corruption, spreading the insidious influence of the goblin god, Grimmer, like a plague across the lands of Maeon.   The origins of the Emerald Pyre trace back to the earlier era's of Maeon, When the Grimmer first set foot on the realm. Needing a permanent conduit for his influence, he would instruct the early goblinoids to begin work on this superstructure on the coast of the Green Cesspool. The Emerald Pyre, though visually akin to a lighthouse, embodies everything antithetical to the guiding light of hope. Its dark, emerald-hued flames dance perpetually atop its eerie spire, casting an eerie glow across the corrupted landscape. Instead of guiding lost souls to safety, it beckons them toward their doom.   The malefic energies emanating from the Emerald Pyre extend far beyond its immediate vicinity. The regions most severely affected by its corrupting influence lie within the The Emerald Coast, a once beautiful stretch of sea wedged between the Green Cesspool and the Bardic lands of Lycera. Many of it's natural flora and fauna find themselves warped in Grimmer's visage.    The Emerald Pyre calls out to those susceptible to its sinister allure, drawing them ever closer to its heart of darkness. Many who venture too near are ensnared by its malevolent pull, their hearts consumed by a relentless despair. Once ensnared, they become unwitting servants of Grimmer, agents of his corrupting will. The Emerald Pyre's corruptive influence is sustained by a dark ritual at its core, performed by Grimmer's most devoted cultists. They channel the god's malefic power through the spire, ensuring that its influence spreads like a relentless plague, ensnaring one soul after another in its web of despair.
Founding Date
1550 BI
Alternative Names
Grimmers Thumb
Tower, Mage
Parent Location