Sjir Brammun

Early Life

Sjir Brammun was the firstborn of the great hero Thalgur Brammun. Born in the city of brass, he would be one of Thalgur's only healthy child. Each of his simblings suffered from many disorders and defeacts. He would have a normal childhood for the most part. Although his father would often not be home, Spending most of his time out and about. Stopping criminals, as well as continuing his efforts as inquisitor of ionar within the city of brass. That is until Sjir discovered a relic that his father kept hidden, That relic being the deck of many things. Sjir would draw from the deck and would pull the card allowing the child to wish for whatever he wanted. The neglect that young Sjir felt weighed heavily on him, thus the child simply wished for his dad to be home more. Unfortunately the deck was a artifact created by the goddess Orleanda, and like it's creator it will twist ones wishes into something unintended. Thalgur at a moments notice became a drunk, staying home and becoming a shadow of the great warrior he once was. After the wish Sjir grew up seeing his father as a blithering fool who wasted his fortune on booze. After a physical bout initiated by Sjir to change Thalgur's ways, Thalgur even blind drunk managed to JUST beat his own son. Smashing the young Sjir through a glass table. After recovering Sjir packs up his things and leaves the following morning at the age of 27.

The Lone Wanderer

Sjir spent the vast majority of his life wondering the world ALONE, exploring it and occasionally partnering up with other adventering parties to learn from them, on his journey he met a Elven Woman who happened to be studying magic. Her name was Yera, although Sjir would come to know her as tree. Yera had somewhat of an interest in the dwarf and decided to teach him how to use the arcane arts. Mainly due to the fact that the two did not share any languages Sjir and Tree would communicate using the surroundings and a form of sign language. Tree's intentions where not as pure as Sjir himself belives. She mainly saw him as a project, a means to prove herself to her peers.  She saw him as circus trainers see their animals, although overtime these feelings would change somewhat. After spending a decent amount of time with the Elven mage, the two would eventually lose eachother, and Sjir would continue to wander about Until one day while on the search for cheese, the Dwarf would enter the capital city of Thassos. A decision which would change his fate.  

No Glory In Victory

After the defeat of Kasander Delilah, now playing the role of a goddess would grant Sjir the gift of Immortality. Sjir now with endless time on his hands would spend it wandering from place to place checking all the areas he could. He didn't remember where it was, only what it looked like. He had only been their once after all. Having previously burned his tent he had no choice but to sleep on the ground, but this bothered him not. He did his best to avoid being seen by others, he had no interest in speaking with his friends or strangers now (except for maybe baba yaga she can stay once and awhile.) Sjir would only once deliberately interact with others, at a grape plantation, to get a bottle of Yera's favorite wine. He had never had it before but she had always offered it with his meals. When he arrived in the clearing finally, a small twenty foot wide vaguely circular gap in a thick oak forest. patches of tiny blue and white flowers draped the ground beneath Sjirs feet as he slumped against the three foot wide rock, dropping his pack to the floor to plant the sapling and split silver comb. He looked now much like he did when he first met her, the elements had not been kind.   Sjir would then uncork the wine and water the sapling with a shot before having one himself. The overbearing sorrow that continued to build within him caused him to tear up. He sat still for a moment, before sniffling and clearing the tears from his eyes as he gave the sapling another shot. He paused before lifting the bottle to his mouth and then setting it down behind him. He admired the wood around him, the quieted chirps bird barely audible through the treeline. He was trembling now. He clenched his fists against his legs as he sat atop the rock, before muttering "why..."in a low, distant tone. "we were so close." "i-i-i'm sorry." "i didn't mean to hurt you. I hate hurting people." he says, dropping to his knees. "you gave me everything." "you had no reason to help me as much as you did." "i was a fool to believe the lies i-" he pauses. "-i have been hurt, by everyone in my life before I met you. You never hurt me. You never let me go hungry. You gave me fresh clothes. You taught me how to use magic to mend all my equipment. You made me remember joy, kindness, tenderness and the power of a warm heart" "but more than any of that, you made me feel like an individual worth giving a damn about." Sjir begins to sob. "i-" "i-" Sjir drops onto his hands and pounds the earth in frustation. "Why! Why did my friends accuse you of so much?! What did you do? Why did you have to go..." he grabs clumps of flowers between his fingers and begins to uproot them. "why didn't you speak to me?"his voice cracking as he could no longer control himself. "I loved you tree." "why did you die?" "I don't undertand.." the dwarf grew still, his body wracked with grief. he could see it again. the sunsets. the laughter. the lunches. the study. her gentle smile. Sjir smash the ground with his forearms before grabbing his pack and hurling it into the woods. "I DIDN'T WANT ANY OF THIS! " he screams. "I didn't want the conflict! The stress! the pain! the terror! the countless sacrifice of men, women and children out there and for what? To what end? I don't see a point it any of it!" Sjir slams the bottle of wine against the ground. he broke off from his rage, realizing what he's done. he slumps down onto his knees, defeated. he returns to his quieter tone of voice. "- but most of all I didn't want this." "Whatever you asked of me, I complied." "I know that you have done unspeakable things to people, i don't know exactly why or how..." "...but of all that suffering you inflicted upon others why did you show me such kindness?" he looks at the sapling mouth agape with confusion, as if it would answer. "...what did you see in me that told you to do this?" "Even when I confronted you, I was wrong. I know you did terrible, unfathomable things, but I can't prove them." Sjir looks down and the pool of wine as it seeps into the mess of dirt, glass, and uprooted flowers. "..but I still love you." "you, and you alone paved my route on the path, everyone else just helped guide me..." "...all the pain i felt with you was never your fault, it happened around you." the dwarf sits back, releasing pressure on his knees, laying his head back against the rock. he looked at the sapling again. he seems more at ease. "I don't know what to do." "I don't know where to go." "I don't want to wander the woods anymore." "but if society rips itself apart all the time I don't want any part of that either." "Where does that leave me Yera?" Sjir closes his eyes. Fully resting against the rock behind him now. "I know good people now." "people that were kind to me, like you were." "strong powerful people who would protect me at the drop of a pin, I may not know it but they're probably protecting me now in their own way." "I love them too, but I am a hinderance to them. They all have their own goals. They're all determined. They've all got their heads on straight. and here I am talking to a plant to feel better about myself." Sjir settles in against the cold slab. "I'm hurt Yera." "I've been through a lot to get to where I am today but I have no purpose" Sjir begins to speak clearly. "I have to thank you for reintroducing me to the world at large." Sjir briefly smiles, before his look sours. "I don't know who wrote the laws of this universe but they did a bad job of it." his boots crunch the remnants of the wine bottle as he stretches his legs. "The more I've come to learn about this world since I had left my father the more scared I am and the less important I feel." "I'm just another dirty dwarf that can't jump." "It was so easy to just do what you asked of me. It was even easier for me just to keep surviving without a care in the world for any other person." "I can't help but feel like my existence was a miscalculation in whatever twisted dice game the gods partake in." "Thalgur, the rothwins, the spores, the djinn, the drow, the black sun, kassander, and now you." "I'm not just sad Yera." "I'm miserable" Sjir sits in place, seemingly in some form of satisfaction, for hours after, before eventually nodding off to sleep.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sjir is a relatively tall dwarf at the height of 4'4, he has a very long unkempt dark brown beard and hair that very small bits of mud and clay have collected in. Sjir is very unkempt but isn't quite what most would call grotesque. Dishevled? certainly. His hands and feet are extremely well calloused from years of overuse so that he barely feels heat or pressure. His bushy eyebrows, well freckled cheeks, and stocky build nearly hide his dark brown eyes from view. Sjir walks slightly forwards from years of hiking with a weighted pack. Bearing no iconography, Sjir is tried and true man of the wilderness. He wears a long faded brown overcoat with a large hood stooping over his form. underneath the coat Sjir wears a dark gray vest that conceals is chainmail underneath. on his back Sjir carries a large brown back that rests on an iron external frame from which Sjir carries some of his belongings.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Sjir HATES the Black Sun IMMENSELY

Personality Quirks

Sjir does NOT drink (Thalgur wasn't exactly a good first introduction to alchohol),  Sjir only talks when he feels it necessary, preferring to spend his time in his environment, Sjir does not trust anyone fully, but he will seek out an adventure now and again, thinks before he acts, doesn't spend money on anything he can't carry or won't use at least once a week


Allena Axen't


Towards Sjir Brammun


Sjir Brammun


Towards Allena Axen't


Yera Veryn

Friend (Important)

Towards Sjir Brammun



Sjir Brammun

Friend (Vital)

Towards Yera Veryn



Neutral Good
Year of Birth
725 IE 575 Years old
Current Residence
Dark Brown
Unkempt Dark Brown