The Burned One's

The Burned One's Cult is a malevolent and insidious group that worships the Demon Lord Carach Angren, the ruler of The Lake of Immolation. In the land of Maeon, they are considered a dire menace, spreading darkness and chaos wherever they tread. The cult is shrouded in secrecy, operating in the shadows and striking fear into the hearts of the innocent.   The followers of the Burned One's Cult are drawn to the destructive power and sadistic nature of Carach Angren. They are driven by a twisted devotion to their demonic deity, embracing the fiery chaos and relentless violence that he embodies. They believe that by appeasing Carach Angren and carrying out his bidding, they will be granted unimaginable power and ascend to positions of dominance.   The cultists engage in dark rituals and forbidden practices, invoking the name of Carach Angren and offering sacrifices to appease their infernal master. They revel in pain and suffering, inflicting torment upon themselves and others as a means of demonstrating their unwavering loyalty to the Demon Lord. Their bodies bear the marks of their devotion, with scars and burn marks that symbolize their dedication to the fiery abyss.   The cult operates with a twisted sense of purpose, seeking to sow discord and destruction in Maeon. They engage in acts of terror, targeting places of power and influence, as well as innocent individuals who stand in their way. Their goal is to bring about the domination of Carach Angren, ushering in an era of darkness and chaos where their malevolent deity reigns supreme.   The Burned One's Cult operates in secrecy, with clandestine meetings held in hidden lairs and forsaken places. Their influence spreads like a poisonous flame, corrupting minds and turning once-peaceful communities into dens of wickedness. Fear and paranoia grip the land as the cultists sow seeds of distrust and fanaticism, recruiting new members to join their nefarious cause.   The cult's presence is marked by eerie symbols and dark sigils, scrawled upon walls and etched into the flesh of its members. They use their dark arts and twisted rituals to summon demons and unleash havoc upon Maeon. Through acts of arson, sacrifice, and terror, they seek to weaken the fabric of society and pave the way for the ascension of their demon lord.
Founding Date
1700 BI
Religious, Cult