The Lake of Immolation

Deep within the darkest corners of the infernal realms lies a plane known as The Lake of Immolation. This desolate and treacherous realm is an abyss of eternal fire, a domain of relentless flames and seething infernos that stretch as far as the eye can see. It is a place where the very essence of heat and destruction converge, creating a landscape of eternal torment and suffering.   At the heart of this fiery abyss, presiding over its malevolent energies, is the demon lord Carach Angren. A towering and monstrous figure, Carach Angren is a being of pure malice and hatred, commanding legions of infernal minions who revel in chaos and destruction. He takes souls from the other infernal and abyssal lords through his sheer might, tearing holes in between the the realms to use damned souls to fuel the inferno.   The Lake of Immolation is a place of unending pain, where souls are subjected to the scorching heat and merciless flames that consume them without respite. It is said that the very air in this plane is thick with the stench of burning flesh and the acrid scent of sulfur. The ground is cracked and molten, perpetually ablaze with raging firestorms that devour anything in their path.   The realm itself is a labyrinthine network of scorched and twisted landscapes. Rivers of molten lava flow through charred valleys, creating an ever-shifting and treacherous terrain. Towering mountains of obsidian jut from the fiery abyss, their jagged peaks wreathed in flames. It is a place where the laws of nature are warped and distorted, defying mortal comprehension.   Carach Angren, the malevolent ruler of this realm, revels in the suffering of those unfortunate enough to find themselves trapped within his domain. He delights in watching souls writhe in agony as they are consumed by the unrelenting flames. He commands legions of demonic minions, each embodying the destructive essence of fire and chaos, to enforce his rule and carry out his sadistic will.   Legends speak of brave adventurers and righteous champions who have ventured into The Lake of Immolation, seeking to challenge Carach Angren's reign of terror. But few have returned, and those who have emerged carry scars both physical and emotional, forever haunted by the horrors they witnessed within the fiery abyss.   The Lake of Immolation stands as a testament to the darkest depths of the demonic realms, a place of unquenchable flames and eternal suffering. It serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that lie beyond the mortal realm, a cautionary tale to those who dare to delve into the realms of Rage and Damnation.
Dimensional plane
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