The Sea of Mirrors

The Sea of Mirrors is aptly named for its seemingly endless surface, which, on calm days, reflects the sky above so perfectly that it appears as a colossal, undisturbed mirror. Its waters are known for their crystal clarity, allowing one to peer deep into the depths below. However, this serene appearance is deceiving. as Beneath the calm facade lies a treacherous secret. The ocean floor is littered with the remains of countless ships that have met their doom within its depths. Whether due to unpredictable storms, hidden reefs, or more mysterious forces, the sea has claimed the lives of countless sailors and vessels over the centuries. This haunting collection of shipwrecks contributes to the ocean's mirror-like appearance, as the sunken ships reflect the sky above.   The Sea of Mirrors is considered the domain of Omakhar, the god of the deep and the unknown. Omakhar is revered and feared by sailors and coastal communities alike. It is said that he is both the protector and the harbinger of doom for those who venture onto his domain. Sailors often make offerings and prayers to appease Omakhar and seek his favor for safe passage. Due to one of Omakhar's many challanges The Sea of Mirrors finds itself home to a wide array of mystical and often bizarre creatures. Deep-sea leviathans, bioluminescent organisms, and creatures with adaptations to withstand the crushing pressure of the depths thrive in this enigmatic environment. Many of these beasts were seamingly conjured by the minds of those weak willed enough to fail Omakhar's tests.   Navigating the Sea of Mirrors is a perilous endeavor. Mariners must rely on their knowledge of the stars, currents, and tides to chart a safe course. Many tales tell of ships and crews disappearing without a trace, swallowed by the sea's uncaring depths. Aside from shipwrecks, the Sea of Mirrors is known for other peculiar phenomena. Strange lights dancing on the water's surface, ghostly apparitions rising from the depths, and unexplained disappearances have all been reported by those who have ventured into its expanse. Not to mention the great tempest which seems to cut the sea in half, seperating Saleth and Aelotas.   In the year 1100 IE a great flood would begin, leaving Saleth unaffected but the land of Aelotas found itself swallowed by the sea. Cult Of Omakhar lead by a Undine by the name of Thalassa. The sea would begin to receed once she was defeated by a group of adventurers.