Alicia van der Vant

Alicia van der Vant (a.k.a. "Ali")

⚠️ Warning: Forced parenthood through deception regarding contraception.  
Born into a long line of casters that stretches back hundreds of years, it was never a surprise that Alicia was also faeblooded. The family also consisted of several Order members or individuals involved with the Order throughout their history and were considered both old money and old blood. It was, therefor, only natural that she would grow up with the Burkardt-McGoff children. While Chelsea was a natural rival and she always considered Maisie too young to associate with, Oliver's bastard son Jack was intriguing from the start. She liked that he was down-to-earth, thanks to his mother's influence, and that he didn't seem to know how much better he was than everyone. That was okay, she would know it enough for the both of them.   She attended the same elite schools he did, begrudgingly accepting some of the company he kept, such as the servant's boy Nash Harkins, and in fourth grade declared very confident that she was in love with him and that meant he was hers. As a fourth grade boy himself, he knew no better and accepted that must be true, and accepted her statement that he was now her boyfriend.   Of course, fourth grade girls and boys eventually grow up. Jack and Alicia broke up and got back together several times over the next several years. In ninth grade, they were each other's first lovers, only to break up a month later over something silly. This was their pattern as Jack struggled with the anger he had at his father and his abuse for years. In between, Alicia tolerated the other lovers he had in between, only chasing them off with threats and blackmail whenever it seemed like they were a real threat to The Plan. Jack was hers. She would marry the rugged heir to the Burkhardt-McGoff name, they would have beautiful Burkhardt-McGoff babies, and they would change the world together. That was The Plan.   He nearly ruined The Plan when, for a year, he refused to speak to his father after a silly fight they'd had, but she encouraged him to fix things until he finally did, setting it back on track again. Jack had begun to see through Alicia to the shallowness that was truly there, however. In 2017, for the final time, he broke up with her and didn't take her back again. He dated other women in earnest, though Alicia made sure the relationships were short-lived. He didn't hang out with Alicia unless their mutual friends were there, so she began spending more time with them and planning events or parties for all of them. The only thing she wasn't willing to do was join the Spirit Committee and deal with that obnoxious little shifter Rinowen. That was more than Alicia could handle, even for the sake of The Plan.  
[H]e glanced back to where Alicia was now waiting in line. "Ignorer henne. Hun er en rasende tispe." Ignore her. She's a raging bitch.   "Hun er ikke kjæreste din?" Eden asked with raised eyebrow. She certainly acted like it. She is not your girlfriend?   "Ikke de siste tre årene, men det hindrer henne ikke i å oppføre seg slik," he answered honestly. Not for the last three years, but that doesn't stop her from acting like that.   “How nice,” Eden retorted sarcastically, taking a sip from her cup.
Jack Kendall and Eden Sorensen, "It's Just An Illusion"
  Nothing she did convinced him to come back to her, but she did seduce him several times over the next three years. Familiarity was easy to succumb to, and they did both live in the same House, having both declared Abjuration even though Alicia preferred Illusion. Fine. He could have his fun. He was nearly done with as much graduate work as Ravenwood had to offer, Alicia only staying there that long to be with him. What did she need a whole roster of spells for after all? She wasn't going to work. But then in the fall of 2020, Eden Sorensen came into the picture and ruined The Plan.   Alicia had been growing increasingly desperate at that point, starting to fear that maybe she really wasn't going to get Jack back, and that wasn't an option. She loved him. He loved her, he'd just forgotten, surely. There was one option left to her. He was an honorable man, which was part of the appeal. Surely if she was carrying his child, he'd see his mistake and come back to her, be a family with her. Sure, it was a little earlier than she'd planned, but she was nearly twenty-six. She'd only be beautiful for so long anyway. She stopped taking her birth control in September, but she failed to get pregnant each time she managed to seduce him, which wasn't many. Then he brought that creepy, foreign Necromancer around and fell head-over-heels immediately. She had to wait until he was high to get into his pants one last time, but that last time, at the beginning of November, she was successful. She was carrying his child.   Now to just get rid of the Sorensen interloper...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She looked beautiful, her golden hair pulled up in an elegant bun, an ethereal white gown with pearls around the collar and belt making her fair skin seem to glow.
— "Death Looms, But First Let's Dance"
  Alicia is an undeniably beautiful woman. She has shining blonde hair, long and soft, framing fine features, and her skin is pale and near flawless like porcelain, making her dark, olive green eyes pop. She doesn't put on unwanted weight, and she stands proudly petite at five feet, five inches. Ladies shouldn't be too tall or too loud, after all.   She dresses very properly, in designer blouses or dresses, never allowing herself to get dirty or wear the same thing twice in a month. Her clothes flatter what little figure she has, but are still conservative, teasing but holding at bay. She is often seen wearing pearls even with her everyday outfits.

Mental characteristics




Jack Kendall


Towards Alicia van der Vant

Alicia van der Vant


Towards Jack Kendall

Year of Birth
1995 26 Years old
Jack Kendall (spouse)
Current Residence
Ravenwood University, New York, America
Blonde, long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, pale
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Dianna Agron


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