
Shifters, called feimaituvan (sing.) or othaifeimaituvan (pl.) in Feij, are a species group of Fae.   A few things are common to all shifter varieties. Every shifter is able to shift at will into an animal form specific to their sub-species (known and extant shifter varieties include wolf, bear, and snake). Their clothing shifts with them, unless it is too large or baggy. Bags and items they are holding don't shift with them. Every shifter is born with pointed ears, though the degree varies among individuals. Every shifter has an extended lifespan. Each have enhanced abilities related to their animal form, but the specifics of these varies.

Basic Information


Shifters have two state: "human" and shifted. In their native humanoid state, they appear human just like many other fae. Their skintones, eye colors, and hair colors come in the same human variety and they physically resemble humans in nearly every way, except that their ears have pointed tips.

Genetics and Reproduction

All shifters reproduce sexually and their gestation and birth is identical to that of a human. They can reproduce among the various kinds of shifters and fae. If two shifters of different varieties (such as a bear and a wolf) reproduce, there is an equal chance of what shifter variety the offspring will be. Similarly, there is an equal chance between a shifter and any other type of fae or a human.

Growth Rate & Stages

All shifters grow to the age of twenty and experience what is called the Settling. Until this point, they age at the rate of a human and develop similarly, usually hitting puberty between the ages of twelve and fourteen. After the Settling, their aging slows to half to one third of its normal speed, with an average lifespan of two to three hundred years. There is no noticeable transformation or change at the Settling, but most cultures recognize twenty as their age of majority, even if they're considered an adult in most other ways before then.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All shifters have pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are usually Feijian in nature. They are formed from combining words in Feij that espouse values and positive things in the shifter culture, or predictions for the child. For example: Rinowen (fire, beauty, flower), Sorvunei (cold, calm), Uhamutho (tall, mountain). What is valued, however, varies between the shifters.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

In addition to local human languages (for example, in America most shifters learn English), most shifters are taught Feij. They don't usually use it conversationally unless they are trying to speak covertly around humans, but there are exceptions in isolated groups where Feij is the primary language spoken.
Other Names
Feimaituvan/Othaifeimaituvan (Feij)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
200 - 300 years

Articles under Shifter


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