Wolf Shifter

Wolf shifters, called feifeisei (sing.) or othaifeifeisei (pl.) in Feij, are a species of Fae and subspecies of Shifter.   Life all shifter varieties, wolf shifters are able to shift at will into an animal, specifically an overlarge wolf, and some individuals attain a degree of control so high that they are able to obtain a partial shfit beyond just the eyes. Their clothing shifts with them, unless it is too large or baggy. Bags and items they are holding don't shift with them. In their humanoid form, they have pointed ears, though the degree varies among individuals. They have extended lifespans (200 - 300 years) like other shifters.   All shifters have enhanced abilities in their humanoid form. In particular, wolf shifters have enhanced senses of smell, sight, and hearing. They also have slightly enhanced strength, but less so than bear shifters, and slightly enhanced speed, but less so than snake shifters.

Basic Information


Wolf shifters have two state: "human" and shifted. In their native humanoid state, they appear human just like many other fae. Their skintones, eye colors, and hair colors come in the same human variety and they physically resemble humans in nearly every way, except that their ears have pointed tips.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wolf shifters reproduce sexually and their gestation and birth is identical to that of a human. They can reproduce among the various kinds of shifters and fae. If a wolf shifter reproduces with a shifter of a different varietiy (such as a bear shifter), there is an equal chance the offspring will be either shifter variety. Similarly, there is an equal chance between a shifter and any other type of fae or a human.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wolf shifters grow to the age of twenty and experience what is called the Settling. Until this point, they age at the rate of a human and develop similarly, usually hitting puberty between the ages of twelve and fourteen. After the Settling, their aging slows to half to one third of its normal speed, with an average lifespan of two to three hundred years. There is no noticeable transformation or change at the Settling, but most clans recognize twenty as their age of majority, even if they're considered an adult in most other ways before then.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wolf shifters eat, drink, etc., the same as a human and react the same to intoxicants. They can also consume raw meat with no harmful effects and regularly do so in their wolf state, however it's culturally inappropriate to do when not shifted.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Though not actively hunted very often, historically, hunters have attempted to hunt wolf shifters for their furs, especially since the wolf shifter's wolf form is larger than a natural wolf.

Facial characteristics

Wolf shifters have pointed ears.   Either at will or when experiencing strong emotions, the eyes can undergo a partial shift and will change to their wolf eyes, which can be any color a natural wolf's eyes can be.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Worldwide. Wolf shifters tend to live in isolated clans or packs, purchasing huge parcels of land to run on "in their furs" or squatting in national parks.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wolf shifters in their humanoid form have enhanced senses of smell, sight, and hearing. The sense of sight is about equal to a human's in the light, although they better detect movement, but they have significantly enhanced low light vision, especially if they partially shift their eyes.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are usually Feijian in nature. They are formed from combining words in Feij that espouse values and positive things in the wolf shifter culture, or predictions for the child. For example: Rinowen (fire, beauty, flower), Magnes (fair/pale, prince), Uhamutho (tall, mountain). In particular, males are often named for things that embody strength and power, while females are often given names that embody softness, nurturing, and beauty.

Beauty Ideals

In both genders, red hair is considered attractive and lucky. In females, it is considered beautiful to wear the hair long and natural, usually not trimming it until it reaches the waist. Males may wear short hair, but the beard is not cut, only shaped or braided. A long beard is considered especially handsome and desirable, and a male's beard may be cut to shame him after a loss in combat or if being cast out. To do so in any other circumstance is considered a heinous crime.   Males are expected to be muscular and strong. Females are expected to be fit, but not bulky or overlarge. While a tall frame in males is considered attractive and desirable, the same would be unfeminine and unattractive in females, who are preferred to be petite. Wolf shifters of both genders often wear tattoos, including sigil tattoos, though to not do so is not considered unattractive.

Gender Ideals

"Oh, Rinny…" Eden sighed, hugging her tightly. "I’m asking this because I don’t know how your culture works, but… arrangements like this, are you able to break them at all if something is wrong with the relationship? I mean, outside of just a simple argument or viewing things differently. Something… more difficult, something like this…?"   "S-Sometimes…"
Eden Sorensen and Rinowen Bailey, "We Like to Party"
  In wolf shifter clans, males are dominant to the females. Marriages are arranged for power, not love, though in some cases love matches are allowed if it's not disadvantageous to the families within the clan or to the clan itself. Marriages are arranged as young as infancy and at that point the females are considered the male's property, even though the official marriage will not be ordained until the younger of the two parties reaches their Settling at twenty years old. It is expected that the female will always serve and submit to their husband, acquiescing to any desire, although technically rape is illegal.   Women are in charge of maintaining the clan's living areas, preparing the food, agriculture if applicable, and caring for and educating the children. Men are expected to protect the clan, the women, and the children, and to provide for them, including doing the hunting. If the fathers or husbands permit it, women do join in on the hunt when hunting in their furs, but only if their other duties are not suffering due to this.   Women who do not submit to these roles are often beaten, raped, and/or cast out. Attempting to end an arranged marriage can result in this as well, but that depends on the reason, the parents, and the clan alpha.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

In addition to local human languages (for example, in America most shifters learn English), wolf shifters living in clans or packs are taught Feij. They don't usually use it conversationally unless they are trying to speak covertly around humans, but there are exceptions in particularly isolated groups where Feij may be the primary language spoken.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

"What’s going on?" Malachi said as Jack began peeling away the jacket as he took a look over the redhead on the sofa. "Gods… Miss Bailey, right?" he asked and Rinowen nodded slowly. "Alright, I’ve got this handled. It’ll sting a bit though, okay?"   Rinowen managed to shakily nod again, crying out as Jack peeled the jacket away from a raw, gaping bite mark. Karoline arrived with scissors, handing them to Eden so she could cut the pants, and after several agonizingly long seconds, they had her down to her bloody bra and underwear. Both of her arms had bite marks, as well as her side below her ribs, and her thigh. It was genuinely a miracle that she’d made it here at all, the rest of her pale skin covered in enormous bruises. She was more bruise than not and they realized now it was a glamour keeping her face looking normal when she dropped it, the points returning to her ears and a huge bruise blossoming around one of her eyes, which was mostly swollen shut. One of her sigil tattoos had been glowing and ceased at the same time.
Rinowen Bailey, "Table For... Three? Shit. There Goes The Sex."
  To be cast out is considered one of the worst possible punishments to a clan wolf shifter. The individual is violently beaten by the clan, as well as bitten or scratched by the clan in their wolf forms. Usually this is fatal, or the outcast is chased off, often then dying of their wounds after. Those that survive have a high rate of suicide. The remaining few integrate into human or other fae communities.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

"My parents… They were worried. We don’t go to school. We learn in our clan. Most of the shifters here aren’t wolf. But I really, really wanted to see things, to learn… So they let me come, but only if he came with to make sure I was safe…"
Rinowen Bailey, "We Like to Party"
  Most wolf shifters are deliberately isolated from humans and other fae, even going so far as to refuse to send them to be schooled and homeschooling them themselves in magick, but in the last one hundred years that has been changing more and more. Wolf shifters that are cast out often find themselves living among other species, however, and even interbreeding with them, so there are populations of shifters that do not live among clans and do not share their prejudices.
Other Names
Feifeisei/Othaifeifeisei (Feij)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
200 - 300 years


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