Theo Morgen

Professor Theocritus Morgen (a.k.a. "Theo")

⚠️ Warning: Possible sexual assault leading to conception, accidental matricide, accidental homicide, sex workers (mentioned).  
"I was born here, but before I was a year old, my mother brought me back to London and we lived with my grandparents who were quite wealthy. They adored having a grandson, but I know they were disappointed in their unwed daughter travelling across the ocean only to come back with a bastard son and no sign of the father. They’d both died by the time I was… nine. My mother was an only child so she inherited their estate. That’s where I got my money, though I’ve invested it wisely over the decades."
— "The One Where Years Later We Actually Go On Our First Date"
  Theocritus Morgen was born on 1 October 1885 in New York City, though his mother Victoria Morgen moved him back to her home of London before his first birthday. Theo never knew his father, but as the foxblood gene is passed down from father to son and at least one fae parent is needed for a child to be born fae, he has reasoned out that he had to be a foxblood. Due to his mother's strong, negative reactions to speaking about him, Theo suspects that his father raped her to feed on her, or else used magick to enchant or coerce her to the same end. His curiosity about the man ends there. He has only wondered offhand since growing up if the man is still alive so that if he ran into him he could punch him.   When his mother took them back to London, it was to live with her parents, a particular wealthy couple. While they disapproved strongly of her coming back with a baby and no husband to match it, to Theo's memory they didn't hesitate to take them in. Theo's grandmother passed away in November 1893 and his grandfather died in March 1895, leaving the entire estate to Victoria, their only heir, and young Theo. Later in life, Theo would inherit this fortune and further grow it through investments.  
"Despite being a Master, my Affinity was not actually strong growing up. I wouldn’t always notice when I’d inadvertently stop time while playing with my toys, until I’d go in after hours looking for lunch and only a few minutes had even passed. I never understood. When it all came in, it was… shocking to say the least."   [...] "[My mother] had no idea. I don’t believe she knew anything about what my father was. I don’t… know exactly how they encountered each other, but… knowing what I do about my kind, historically… She would get very upset when I asked about him, so I learned not to early on. So I had to figure it out on my own. She helped, but it wasn’t the magick that was so alarming but the fact that I’d begun to crave energy, to see it coming off of people. The first time my eyes changed, my mother screamed and fainted."
— "The One Where Years Later We Actually Go On Our First Date"
  Theo and his mother didn't notice his Time Affinity growing up, as he didn't have as many jarring episodes as some children. The worst of it was, generally, lost time when playing, which was just excused as Theo having a poor level of patience some days and insisting that it must be time for something else because there was simply no way hours hadn't actually passed. When he was moving through puberty, however, and his other schools of magick manifested, it brought with it his foxblood abilities and hunger. That was far more terrifying, especially to a mother who was mundane and a teenager who'd been raised as one. By the time he was eighteen, between his Time abilities, other untrained magick, and his foxblood needs, he'd killed six people and thoroughly hated himself.  
"You bastard! Do you know how hard it is to gather all of that? You fucking idiot!" Eden yelled, her fists balled at her side shaking, wishing she could strike him, and knowing it was highly unlikely.   "Yes, actually, I know exactly how hard it is to gather all of those ingredients. I know how bloody tricky it is to brew and exactly how terrible it tastes," he told her, a bit of a feral edge to his tone as his eyes turned yellow.   [...] "I’ve killed seven people, Eden. I used that potion for thirteen months until the backup exploded and nearly killed me and killed my mother. I do understand, and you need to trust me before you destroy yourself further."
— Theo Morgen and Eden Sorensen, "We Have Team Spirit, Honest"
  He began using a dampening potion, sold to him by a local herbalist, one he didn't know was a caster. It was the same kind that he caught Eden Sorensen using decades later. It successfully controlled his Time fluctuations and his magickal outburts. It also kept the hunger of being a foxblood at bay as well as kept his ability to absorb energy from people shut off. He hid himself away as his mother brought a parade of clergymen through to try and cure him of what they both believed to be demonic possession. The suppressed magick and hunger eventually exploded out of him thirteen months after taking the potion. He leveled his family manor, killed his mother, and nearly died.   Because he hadn't hit the age of twenty and they were able to prove it was an accident, the Order allowed him a probational chance. He was enrolled at Ravenwood University in Oxford where he was mentored both by another foxblood named [TBD] and a Time Master named [TBD2]. [TBD] worked with Theo intensely from the beginning, educating him in his needs, educating him in women so that he could satisfy those needs safely. Theo began to hire prostitutes weekly to feed on and he learned control, but he hated himself for it. This was not how he was raised. He wanted to fall in love or, at the very least, have a real connection.   The connection was, at first, [TBD2]. They carried on a sexual relationship on and off throughout his time as a student. There was no love there, though, only mutual desire and the ability to freeze time and get away with it. The first person he ever did fall in love with was Sophia. She was a student and he courted her while they both were in attendance, beginning a sexual relationship after they'd graduated and he'd proposed. He stopped hiring prostitutes, trying to be normal for her, but her libido did not match what a young foxblood needed. After she caught him on three separate occasions with other women, she broke off their engagement.  
"Who was it?" Eden asked, staring intently. "The first one you truly fell in love with. They broke your heart, didn’t they?"   "Her name was Sophia," he answered, unafraid. "There’ve been others since, but she was first. I'd learned to control myself and I'd stopped hiring prostitutes and tried to be a 'normal' man. But at the time I didn’t know how to communicate what I needed. It was my own fault that she left after she caught me more than once with other women, but it did break my heart, yes."   "So you now just anticipate me leaving?"   "Yes."
— Theo Morgen and Eden Sorensen, "See Me After Class"
  A year later, in 1927, he received an offer to teach two new Time students at Ravenwood, but in New York this time. Wanting to put his past and his broken heart behind him, he accepted the post. He's lived in New York ever since, except for a year's sabbatical during the 1940-1941 school year where he traveled in search of rare magickal artifacts, a hobby of his. The pastime itself is   That was the year he met Remy Remington, saving his life. He got him healed up and set him on his way, but the two kept bumping into each other after that.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a Foxblood, Theo has a degree of Truesight and can see through most illusions. He also has a natural bend toward Divination and it seems he can often, though not always, detect when he's being lied to. He also hears the bloodsong in many individuals, often choosing to pursue those that are students romantically so that they will give consent for him to feed on their energy during intercourse.  

Theo's Known Bloodsingers

Mental characteristics




Employed as a Professor and Head of Time at Ravenwood University in New York for roughly a century.


Family Ties

  • Unnamed grandparents, deceased
    • Victoria Morgen, mother, deceased. Unnamed foxblood, father, status unknown.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Master Caster
    • Master of Time
    • Master of Divination
    • Master of Illusion
  • Head of the School of Time at Ravenwood University in New York
  • Professor of Time, Divination, and Illusion at Ravenwood University in New York
Year of Birth
1885 136 Years old
New York City, New York, America
Current Residence
Ravenwood University, New York, America
Hazel brown
Black, worn short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Luke Evans


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