Amber Bay
Population: 200
Currency: Gold Crowns Amber Bay is a small fishing village along the northern border of Sommerlund. It is one of the smaller villages in Sommerland, consisting of 5 major buildings, a few summer homes, and caters to recreational fishers and soldiers that pass through on their way farther west. There is a small tobacco farm south of the village. The city hosts a minor shrine to Ishir .
Currency: Gold Crowns Amber Bay is a small fishing village along the northern border of Sommerlund. It is one of the smaller villages in Sommerland, consisting of 5 major buildings, a few summer homes, and caters to recreational fishers and soldiers that pass through on their way farther west. There is a small tobacco farm south of the village. The city hosts a minor shrine to Ishir .
Owning Organization
Characters in Location