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Wolf Pack Ends the Suentina Pandemic



The Wolf Pack enters Suentina with a plan for developing, and delivering a cure for Goblin Fever .

While there, they are accosted by Makilari , but he is quickly slain by the combine efforts of Cyson and Sara Elena .

The group deals with many citizens suffering from Goblin Fever in their efforts to create the cure. They attack both Cardoc and the Aspis queen in their efforts. But finally, they create the cure and deliver it to the populace.

The Wolf Pack enters Suentina with a plan for developing, and delivering a cure for Goblin Fever . They slip in using a tunnel that deposits them at the Suentina temple of Tulek . Priests there allow them to use their temple as a base of operations.

The group deals with many citizens suffering from Goblin Fever in their efforts to create the cure. They make multiple excursions into the city gathering raw materials, and the brewing apparatus necessary to concoct the cure.

  One night, the camp is attacked by Makilari , but he is quickly slain by the combine efforts of Cyson and Sara Elena . The group burns his body the following morning.

  They attack both Cardoc at the Temple of the Pools and the Aspis queen in her hive in the Burnout. They needed the Temple of the Pools for rapid dissemination of the cure, and the Aspis queen actively attempted to thwart their efforts. But finally, they create the cure and deliver it to the populace.

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