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Baktar is a human ranger, trained in the wilds of southern Slovia .  At a young age he ventured into the woodlands surrounding Ruel, and found himself infected with the porphyric virus.  It lay dormant for years until he left his homeland to begin adventuring.

For a time, he travelled for a time with both Anson Dalael and Hobie Greenhill before their adventuring company broke up.  Unlike the other two, Baktar did not stay in contact and has not spoken with them since.

During his travels with them, the virus began to express itself.  He gained both the abilities and hungers of a Vamphyr.  He isolated himself from others and found a home in the forests of Slovia .

Physical Description

Special abilities

Baktar is a skilled hand to hand combatant with a Dex of 20, an 6 melee combat skill levels
Baktar is a skilled survivalist and outdoorsman
  As a vamphyr, he has the following attributes
  • Heightened strength, speed, and physical attributes
  • Infravision
  • Regeneration of health at a rate of 1 Body / Turn
  • Minor shapeshifting ability (growth of claws)
  • Life Support: extended lifespan (he appears to be in his early 30s)

Specialized Equipment

Baktar wields a magical longsword +2 DC against shapechangers
Baktar has a cloak of elvenkind that grants him +4 to Stealth/Concealment checks
Year of Birth
5039 MS 58 Years old
Long Brown Hair w/ Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Caucasian
6' 3"
260 lbs


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