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Blackrazor is an intelligent evil blade that consumes life energy.

Blackrazor speaks with an imperious tone, as though accustomed to being obeyed. The sword's purpose is to consume souls. It doesn't care whose souls it eats, including the wielder's. The sword believes that all matter and energy sprang from a void of negative energy and will one day return to it. Blackrazor is meant to hurry that process along.  It can speak and read Sommlending, and communicate with its wielder telepathically. (Mindlink, 1 character at a time, only someone holding the weapon)

Despite its nihilism, Blackrazor feels a strange kinship to Wave and Whelm , two other weapons locked away under White Plume Mountain . It wants the three weapons to be united again and wielded together in combat, even though it violently disagrees with Whelm and finds Wave tedious.

Blackrazor's hunger for souls must be regularly fed. If the sword goes three days or more without consuming a soul, a conflict between it and its wielder occurs at the next sunset.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Base Construction
  • Blackrazor is a longsword, 1d6+1 HKA
  • Blackrazor has +1 DC
  • Blackrazor's attacks are Penetrating
  It has the following additional properties.
  • Devour Soul Whenever you use it to reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the sword slays the creature and devours its soul, unless it is a construct or an undead. 
  • Devour Soul When it devours a soul, Blackrazor grants you temporary hit points equal to the slain creature's hit point maximum. (Aid 1d6, linked to attack -1/2, 0 End +1/2, Only on kill -1, Max Aid 20 Character Points)
  • Transfer Health  If you hit an undead with this weapon, you take 1d3 Body damage and the target gains the same number of Body. If this necrotic damage reduces you to 0 hit points, Blackrazor devours your soul.
  • Soul Hunter While you hold the weapon. you are aware of the presence of Tiny or larger creatures.  (Detect LIfe 14-, as a Sense, targeting) 
  • Speedy Death Blackrazor can cast the Haste spell on you once per day. It decides when to cast the spell and maintains concentration. (+1 Speed, 1/day, continuing charge of 5 turns)


Blackrazor was forged long ago, and used by heroes of Korli long ago.

In MS 4457, Blackrazor was taken when Keraptis Steals the Weapons of Korli  . He was hidden away in White Plume Mountain , and guarded by an Ogre Magi from Mhytan.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Unique Item
Base Price


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