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Cold Light Walker

Cold Light Walkers are a rare form of undead only found in cold weather climates in the world of Magnamund. They are the animated corpses of dead, brought back to unlife through the influence of Right Handed Magic , deific intervention, corruption through the Shadow realm, or the influence of their environment. Their bodies give off a bright light impeded only by the heavy weather clothing that they all wear. They appear to be unintelligent and incapable of speech.

Cold Light Walkers are surrounded by an aura of freezing cold, and the light they give off has been known to blind people temporarily.
  • Cold Light Walkers have a cold damage shield Drain 1d6, reduced recovery rate (1 minute), max effect of 12
  • Cold Light Walkers have a cold damage shield Flash 1d6, activation check of 8-

Cold Light Walkers exhibit a great resistance to damage, and a greater strength than they had in life. They attacked by clawing at their victims with bony fingers and biting.
  • Cold Light Walkers have 50% resistant physical damage reduction
  • Cold Light Walkers have a resistant physical defense and energy defense of 3
  • Cold Light Walkers have a speed of 3, but a running speed of 4"
  • Cold Light Walkers do not experience modifiers for having suffered body damage
  • Cold Light Walkers do not suffer stun damage

Basic Information


Cold Light Walkers are the reanimated corpses of the dead. As such, they retain the anatomy and morphology of their original lives. Humanoid zombies are by far the most common.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cold Light Walkers have no means for reproduction.

Ecology and Habitats

Cold Light Walkers are found in only in Kalte .

Biological Cycle

Cold Light Walkers experience no biological cycles. They do not eat, drink, sleep, or age. The necromantic magic that spawns them, sustains them

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Cold Light Walkers have no sense of taste or smell. Cold Light Walkers have a +2 to visual perception, only to offset darkness modifiers


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