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Fazeel de Kitalin

Thirdson Fazeel Kitalin

Fazeel de Kitalin is an Illthyri, Shianti subrace noble, of the House of Kitalin. He grew up resenting the treatment of the Illthyri, Shianti subrace following The Shianti Reconciliation. Though it happened before he was born, he grew up experiencing the echos of distrust from the other clans of the Shianti Empire.

In addition, he found the strange mingling of lingering Drow Empire aspirations and his own clan's current involvement in the Shianti Empire frustrating. Incapable of resolving different cultural teachings, he left to make his fortune in the nations of the humans in MS 5001.

Being a skilled warrior, he found employment in a number of mercenary companies in Southern Magnamund. Eventually, he sought his fortune in joining a number of Adventuring Companies. He spent the most time with Company of the Cowl, joining them in MS 5034.

He argued in favor of the Company joining in the quest for artifacts connected to the Vampire Lord Kluud. During that time, he came to know Dalistaron Kamenminya. He initially resented the younger warrior and his fascination with the Shianti Empire, clashing and besting him on multiple occasions. This resentment would extend over the next decade as he would blame Dali for drawing the Company into the final battle with Kluud. Fazeel personally regrets his participation in seaching the artifacts of Kluud, knowing that it ultimately lead to the destruction of the Company.

During those events, Fazeel wore the Bracers of Bravado. Once he escaped the pschological side effects of the Bracers, he buried them somewhere in Lunarlia. Soon thereafter, he returned to Zhor and re-entered the Shianti Empire

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fazeel is in good physical condition for a Illthyri, Shianti subrace of his age. He is strong, used to wearing medium strenght armors, and quite dexterous.
  • Strength and Constitution of 16
  • Dexterity of 23, Speed of 4
As and Illthyri, Shianti subrace, Fazeel has fully functioning infravision and can use it to navigate as easily in darkness as in light.

Special abilities

Fazeel is a skilled warrior, he has the following combat skills.
  • 4 general skill levels
  • 2 general combat skill levels
  • +2 to all strikes with short swords levels
  • Combat Sense at 10 pt level
In addition, Fazeel is a skilled assassin and rogue with the following exceptional skills.
  • Stealth, Shadowing, Climbing, and Concealment 16-
  • Survivial, deciduous forest and underground 12-
  • Herbalism, Streetwise, and Persuasion 12-
  • PS: Shianti warrior, mercenary, adventurer 11-

Apparel & Accessories

Fazeel dresses in darker clothing, cloaks, and leathers that assist in his stealthy activities. He wears Shianti Armor that has been scrubbed of any house identifying colors, and only rarely wears a helmet.
  • Armor 5pd / 5ed
He wears a silver necklace with the identifying sigil of House Kitalin. Wearing this medallion confers the following abilities.
  • Blur, +2 dcv, 1/day for 5 minutes
  • See Magic, detect magic as a sense, 3/day for 5 minutes
  • Skip Jump, teleport 5", 3/day

Specialized Equipment

Fazeel carries a matching set of Shianti short blades, ensorcelled to be as strong as steel. He wears them strapped to his thighs.
  • The blades have a strength minimum of 6, enabling him to attack with 1 1/2 d6 HKA
He carries a hand crossbow, and a quiver of 12 hand crossbow bolts. He carries poisons with the following effects
  • graveweed concentrate, 8d6 transform to dead person
  • volzac tincture, -2d6 to INT, induces hallucinations
  • mokradon poison, 8d6 flash to sight
Year of Birth
4863 MS 234 Years old
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
165 lbs
Aligned Organization


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