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The second largest nation after the Shadakine Empire in all of southern Magnamund, the Great Lunarlian Union is a princely confederation which controls one of the richest agricultural and pastoral patrimonies in the world, reigning over a land of hills, plains, and forest alike. Countless wars fought against Agarashi demons and hostile neighbours, particularly Siyen and Klarnos, have imbued the Lunarlians with the Power of Persistence.   Like the Northern, Vaderish, Aluvian, and Nael nations, Lunarlia has a conventional lineup of units consisting of the usual suspects — Knights, Crossbowmen, Lancers and so forth — but because of its location near Mythenish nations (particularly Bhanar) Lunarlia has a strong light cavalry tradition line. Shepherds, along with Steppe Nomads, feature greatly in the armies of Lunarlia. It is in essence a highly powerful nation, capable of holding its own most of the time against other factions.

Lunarlia's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


The Great Lunarlian Union is a confederation of local princes and smaller states all declaring fealty to a King. it ha existed in this way for thousands of years.


In MS 1234, a number of the princes and leaders of the local states of the plains came together to draft the Lunarlian Concord, and create a single nation. The peoples here had born the attacks of multiple creatures of Kaum and the Kelderwastes, and came together for mutual protection. They created a series of forts along the borders and roads, and fortified them with crossbowmen.

They have since held off the Nael emigration of MS 1309 and the Drakkarim incursion in MS 3030. They have been able to hold off much larger armies through tenacity and the gradual erosion of their enemies.


Lunarlia maintains a string of border forts to avoid predation by creatures or the citizens of neighboring countries. They are well stocked with crossbowmen and provisions.

Inside the borders, they maintain a large standing light cavalry. These troops can be moved across the country quickly to reinforce the border forts, or meet any army that passes them.
Founding Date
MS 1234
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
1 Silver Lune = 1/10 Gold Crown
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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