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Giak language

Giaks have a well-developed language, which is both spoken and written. The spoken version is harsh and guttural. The language is richest in the areas of warfare, military construction, and hunting.

The Giak language is the only one explicitly heard in the Darklands. A reader may infer that the Darklords have their own language, since they arrived and operated before the Giak language was developed. The Gourgaz must have had their own language too, since they are intelligent creatures and lived in the Maakenmire Swamp prior to the Darklords discovering them. In any case, it is clear that the Giak language serves as a common tongue for all the creatures serving the Darklords. This may be because the Giaks served the Darklords first, or because there are more Giaks than other creatures, or because the Giaks aren't smart enough to learn multiple languages.   Although it is clear that the Giak's have a written version of their language, it is not clear how many Giaks are able to read and write.
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