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The Drakkarim were adopted by Dark God Naar in mockery of the humans favored by Ishir  and Kai , for the purpose of having a tough warrior race with which to colonize and conquer various worlds of Aon. They first appeared on Magnamund in the year MS 2591,and were introduced by the Dark God. The Drakkarim established themselves in territories formerly controlled bythe Vaderish  people, notably Northern Lencia which they seized in a series of wars that ravaged the Western Tentarias for several hundred years. In MS 3150, the Drakkarim nations allied themselves to the Darklords of Helgedad and became their willing servants, abjuring the Warrior-god Zantaz, Armourer of the Fell Legions, who they hadworshipped. Many of them also adopted the Giak language after their arrival and, in return for their valuable militaryassistance, the Drakkarim were allowed to keep autonomous control oftheir homelands of Nyras and partial control of their territories of Zaldir,Nyvoz, Ghatan, Skaror. Some retrogressive Drakkarim, who weredetermined to preserve their original language and maintain theirdevotion to Zantaz, fled to the Hammerlands in defiance of theDarklords. They were not pursued and slain as they were relatively fewin number and they posed no viable threat to the Drakkarim new order. In the recent past, the Drakkarim of Ogia have become autonomous slavers who wreak havoc in the Stornlands, Palmyrion and Talestria with the blessing of the Archlord of the Darklands.

The Drakkarim form the backbone of Helgedad’s might but their service to the Darklords is not solely limited to combat and raiding. Drakkarim also provide the leadership and management necessary to accomplishmining, construction, and the gathering of mineral resources in the Darklands and in the nations under Darklord control. They are brutal taskmasters and rarely work their crew at anything less than a crushing pace. Slaves are worked until they die of exhaustion, with their welfare onlytaken into consideration if there is a lack of fresh replacements available.Where Drakkarim labour forces excel is at accomplishing a risky taskquickly, such as the building of an encampment or the excavation oftunnels through hills and mountains. Because Drakkarim bosses do not show their slaves any mercy, they can drive a team to perform an immense amount of hard labour in a very short period of time. Such labour is costly in lives and tends to be very crude but the Drakkarim rarely care about anything except getting results.

Drakkarim are rarelyencountered on their own, unless they happen to be renegades who have fled their regiment to avoid a harsh punishment.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Druzella, Esmazal, Fujanka, Ilezra, Jelka, Kulla,Nezlana, Shinzara, Vekmina, Zamira

Masculine names

Bakroz, Dakkurus, Gholruk, Khulzor, Magnorr,Nemulkrin, Rukmarr, Tuzok, Vorzan, Vejekar, Zegron


Major language groups and dialects

Drakkarim speak their own language, and many of them speak Giak.

Culture and cultural heritage

Drakkarim speak Giak and they can be notoriously hard tonegotiate with. They are ruthlessly efficient soldiers who rarely give orexpect to receive quarter on the field of battle. They are often employedby the Darklords of Helgedad to lead or augment Giak regiments, whichare far more numerous but generally of lower quality and far less reliablewhen the going gets tough.

In battle, they delight in the slaughter of the children of their enemies.  They are known to adorn their battle garments with the skulls of their enemys' children.

Shared customary codes and values

The Drakkar population is made up of fierce barbarianwarriors and all Drakkar are accomplished at fighting.Drakkarim women often associate themselves in real clans for protection against their husbands. These clans take care of the children's education and trainthem to become true warriors. Women seem more humane than men,making them more appropriate to serve as spies and assassins in foreigncountries.


Beauty Ideals

The Drakkarim are a race of brutal and aggressivehumanoids with hard features. They are typically dressed in black ironarmour and their faces are often hidden behind black skull-like ironhelmets. They are most often armed with black steel bladed weaponswith serrated cutting edges. The male members of this people often havea shaven head and a hard aspect.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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