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Lava appear as humanoid dragons. They are not naturally from Magnamund, and travelled to Magnamund from the Daziarn during the Dawn of the Dragons  . Hundreds of Lavas poured from the Daziarn gate at Raven's Aerie and attacked the Kai Monastery . After Lone Wolf sealed the gate, the remaining lavas fled to the far corners of Magnamund.

The lavas hold no allegiance to Naar or any other Darklords. And, they hold no allegiance to each other. When they fled the field, they quickly learned how to adapt to more technologically advanced methods of combat and took to using weapons and adapting armor for their use.

Little is known of lavas, as they have little patience for discussions with other sentient beings whom they view as lesser beings. The relationship between lavas and dragons is unknown.

Basic Information


Lava appear as a humanoid dragons ranging in height from 5' 4" to 7' in height. They range from slender to heavily muscled.  They have an above average dexterity similar to the Shianti, or elf .

All lava have wings though their level of development varies among individuals. Some Lava are capable of true flight, while other lava can only use their wings to afford them an ability to glide with the air currents.

The scaly skin of a lava affords it protection from injury and the elements. The protective nature of their skin can vary from individual to individual. At a minimum, the scales of a lava afford them protection equivalent to leather armor. Some individuals find this insufficient and favor wearing heavy armor.

Biological Traits

Lava are naturally resistant to flame and heat, having the equivalent of 25% resistant dmg resistance versus heat/flame.

Genetics and Reproduction

All lava are from the same area of the Daziarn as dragons.  They present as asexual and nothing is known of their reproductive ability.

Ecology and Habitats

Lava are not from Magnamund and have no natural habitat.  They prefer warm climates but can be found anywhere.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lava are omnivores though they prefer meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lava have dominance-oriented social structure.  They fight amongst themselves, and since arriving in Magnamund, have taken up weaponry and armor.  Their internal conflicts are never deadly, and once a dominance order is established, it will be followed unto death.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lava have above average visual and auditory acuity. This allows them to see in very dim light and hear sounds over long distances.


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