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Baron Loghain

Loghain is the Baron of Abesko, in Eldenora. He is a son of one of the prominent warrior families that served in Ft Skillet on the norther border with Delden. While he has never shied away from war, Loghain feels that far too much of Eldenoran popularity stems from military conquest. He feels it is ultimately self-destructive.

As a younger man, in MS 5082, Loghain was considered a prominent and popular noble. In an attempt to stem Loghain's perceived ambition, Baron Corvis awarded him a commission and put him in charge of Ft Skillet. Through the novel application of tactics, and building materials, Loghain solidified the defenses of Ft Skillet leading to the long-term safety of Abesko to the south.

This resulted both in his ascension to the Barony of Abesko in MS 5086, and the cementing of his relationship with Nithewin. With Nithewin in his employ, Loghain worked to increase physical security of Abesko and all surrounding lands. When Lionel was sent to Abesko , Loghain served as his mentor.

And, when Lionel ascended to the throne, Loghain quickly swore fealty to the throne of Duadon - setting Lionel up to potentially become the first King of Eldenora in generations.
Year of Birth
5050 MS 47 Years old
Light Brown
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Ruled Locations


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