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Nithewin is a Drodarin, or dwarf smith from Bor .

For decades, he apprenticed himself to the various smiths of the Theiwen clan. Under their tutelage, he learned the secrets of BoomPowder and Gunnery . He built axes, armor, rifles and machinery. But, he often experimented beyond the regimented methods defined by the master smiths.

He studied in the vast libraries of the dwarves, and pioneered new methods of crafting magical weapons, and explored new applications in Blastpowder . Eventually, this led him to the discovery of the ancient druidic runes, a study outlawed by the Thanes of Bor. His exploration of the application of druidic runes, once discovered, led to his banishment from Bor.

He wandered, and found employment as a smith in multiple smaller villages and towns. As he entered Abesko in MS 5074. He assisted the new Baron Loghain in the defense and fortification of Ft Stel. He followed Loghain to Abesko where he lived for many years. There he made the association of Vyri , but never developed any close relationships. Over the years, he developed his association with the noble families of Eldenora. This led to exploration of a number of his more novel ideas: Blastpowder and the eventual creation of the Steamjack.

During MS 5092 he was caught up in Eldenoran politics. At the same time, he found that he was being hunted and investigated by Haglic Firebeard . Near the end of the year, he was incarcerated by Baron Corvis , and then liberated by the Lion's Pride .

He now lives in Port Bax ,where he lives as a smith. In private he continues to explore the applications of druidic runes and Blastpowder .

During the summer of MS 5095, he met with Xardorok Solderth .  After their meeting, Nithewin found that his fellow Drodarin, or dwarf had stolen his original notes on using runic magic to power steamjacks. Nithewin hired the characters to pursue Xardorok Solderth into Kalte and retrieve his notes.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4988 MS 109 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 2"
185 lbs


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