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Lolth is a powerful demon with claims to godhood. She is a goddess of cold cruelty not out of place in the darkest depths of the endless Abyss, reveling in betrayal and bloodshed and toying with everyone from her minions to her victims. She not only enjoyed, but thrived upon torture, destruction, and death, whether personally performing it or causing it. Every interaction was ultimately done with malice, ill will seething from her every move, and even those who knew her well could be surprised by just how deep her viciousness went.

Lolth claimed the absolute fealty and obedience from all Illthyri, Shianti subrace , and while they followed her, questioning her motives or wisdom was considered a sin. This applied even to male Illthyri, Shianti subrace despite her considering them to be unclean, and she took vengeful notice if one abandoned her faith. She also secretly desired the worship of other types of elves, as well as humans, and enjoyed corrupting them into her service even more than torment and devastation.

The Spider Queen was technically capable of displays of kindness and aiding those she fancied, and would always give one chance for the disfavored to redeem themselves, but this usually meant a dangerous mission and in others might just mean silently watching their next move. She could never be relied on and her ultimate motivation was almost always manipulative.

Ironically, for all her demands for obedience, nothing demanded her attention and admiration more than treachery, even towards herself (if only temporarily). Guile and political ruthlessness were the signs of her favorite servants, and she ultimately admired ambition more than she did loyalty.

Divine Domains

Guile, Treachery, and Subterfuge.
Freedom from all laws and order.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The silhouette of a spider with a female Illthyri, Shianti subrace head.

Tenets of Faith

Let nothing restrict your freedom.  Social relationships are bonds that will choke you.
Use all that will let them be used, it is no sin to abuse the ignorant.
Advance at any cost.
Divine Classification


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