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The Death of Lolth

Political event


The Loser's Club invades the Temple of Lolth to recover Bilaiya Rin and confront Khalis Shizbahn .

Silverpeak confronts Khalis Shizbahn and both of them perish.

The rest of The Loser's Club find and rescue Bilaiya Rin . Then, they find two Illthyri, Shianti subrace that claim to be deities. In the ensuing battle, there is a massive detonation that kills all within Undraeth .

The Loser's Club makes plans to execute a two-pronged attack on the Temple of Lolth in Undraeth .

Silverpeak successfully meets with Khalis Shizbahn , where Khalis Shizbahn offers him a place in the Drow Empire . Durro 's reponse to Silverpeak has convinced him that Silverpeak is a peer. Silverpeak deny him and they clash.

They clash and the fight seems to be going to Khalis Shizbahn , but through the innovative use of some potions - Silverpeak prevails. Unfortunately, his wounds are too much from him and he perishes, looking over the slain emperor of the Drow Empire .

In the basement, The Loser's Club cut their way through dozens of Drow Empire soldiers and find Bilaiya Rin . Wanting revenge for his imprisonment and torture, Bilaiya Rin leads the team in a search for the heart of the Temple. They fight past wizards, priests, and soldiers to find a strange chamber.

They enter a cavern deep below the Temple only to find an Illthyri, Shianti subrace woman chained to two pillars. She appears wan and malnourished, and demands to be released. Shortly after the team enters the room, a male Illthyri, Shianti subrace steps out from behind a pillar. He claims to be Vhaerun, the elven name for Dolus , the God of Trickery.

Through quick discussion, and yelling at each other, a mass melee starts between Vhaerun, Lolth , and the The Loser's Club . Some choose to free Lolth , not knowing her identity for sure. Some choose to assist Vhaerun, but chaos ensues. Solist D'talak is slain by Vhaerun when @solist tries to restrain him. Bilaiya Rin is slain by Lolth right after he frees her from her chains. Spells and swordplay ensue but end as Decker Majere plunges Waykeeper into Vhaerun's back. Lolth cries out a warning, but too late.

As Vhaerun dies, there is a massive detonation destroying the Temple of Lolth . All within the Temple die immediately. The destruction of the Temple shatter the central and nearby spires that support the ceiling of the cave. Within a matter of minutes, the cavern collapses killing almost eveyrone within Undraeth .

Related Location
Related Species
Illthyri, Shianti subrace
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The Loser's Club History