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The Shadakine people are the indigenous culture of Shadaki , not the Vassa who now occupy most of the settlements. Since the Age of the Old Kingdoms, the jungles of Shadaki have been inhabited by primitive human tribesmen who preserved their shamanic way of life despite thesuccessive waves of migrants who arrived in their lands, including the Shianti, or elf  and the human Vassa. After the Exodus of the Shianti, the Vassa people established good trade relationships with the Shadakine tribesmen. This led to the rise of the tribal city of Kitaesi in Taetok Baywhich has since become a thriving port selling rare exotic produceharvested from the jungle.

The Shadakine tribesmen inhabit rudimentary huts, wear leather clothing and use bone or wooden weapons. They bear portraits, tattoos, charmsand amulets, and worship many and varied deities, from Goddess Ishir  tothe Greater Demons of the Plane of Darkness (such as Tamotu). Some tribes are peaceful and trade with civilized countries; others are xenophobic cannibals. The lives of all tribesmen are governed by traditional rituals and customs.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Anocami, Amoxi, Chamahuil, Cozamaolo, Ixilla,Mezili, Quezalla, Tuzi, Xitalli, Yaretza, Zyana

Masculine names

Aklan, Atzi, Ciqamlli, Guatzilin, Ichtzali, Maclecuhli,Tezoch, Tzillonqui, Xicuitli, Yotyl, Zumotel


Beauty Ideals

Shadakine have a brown cast to their skin, and black smooth hair.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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