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The people of Sommerlund  are a strong, proud folk descended from a warrior-people who arrived across the seas from the north many centuries ago. They are proud, defiant and hold a strong belief in freedom and equality while still paying tribute to a powerful monarchy. While their origins are known to all, defining the culture of the people of Sommerlund is a little more complex.

They are at heart a feudal people divided into commoners and nobles.There are clear tiers of authority, especially among the nobility themselves and in the military. Exceptions exist too, namely the Fryemen of the Realm, commoners declared freed from service to a Baron, and the Fryearls of Sommerlund, raised to the level of a Baron in wealth andstanding.

In many ways, Sommerlund  society exists to serve its military. This can be seen in the heavy presence of soldiers in cities such as Holmgard , the naval fleets in the waters around Tyso  and the permanent encampment ofthe Army of the South near Moytura. One does not have to travel far in Sommerlund to reach a tower, a keep or a cassel of the military out on manoeuvres.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Avo, Bersa, Duana, Gracelyn, Jena, Leyana, Petra,Petrea, Qinefer, Seosha, Talestra, Vaesa

Masculine names

Audin, Cerik, Erik, Fars, Jen, Merok, Oren, Rhygar,Rosk, Tor, Venn, Werlan


Beauty Ideals

The Sommlending are fair of skin, but tan easily and stay darkened for long after exposure to the sun. Their hair ranges from fair to red, or dark brown.

Major organizations

The Sommlending have spread across Northern Magnamund, they originate from Sommerlund .
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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