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Strahd Von Zarovich

Baron Strahd Von Zarovich

Strahd was a member of Forlu nobility.  He waged war against Korli  and Shadaki to establish Forlu as its own nation.   He was granted stewardship over Castle Ravenloft , Barov , and the Jadin mines that served as the economic backbone of the nation.

During the war, he was infected with the porphyric virus, slowly transforming him into a predator.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a vamphyr, he has the following attributes
  • Heightened strength, speed, and physical attributes
  • Infravision
  • Regeneration of health at a rate of 1 Body / Turn
  • Major shapeshifting ability (growth of claws, wolf and bat forms)
  • Life Support: extended lifespan (he appears to be in his early 40s)

Strahd has studied Left Handed Magic with the wizards under his command in his armies.  He has a journeyman's understanding of magic and has been known to cast the following spells.
  • He can summon a cloud of fog to obscure vision in a 50' radius
  • He can summon a blast of wind knocking over all entities in a line
  • He can place individuals in a sleeping trance
  • He can create walls of force capable of shielding him from most one-handed weapons

Specialized Equipment

In the year MS 4100, Strahd weilded Blackrazor .
Date of Death
December 3
Year of Death
4102 MS
Circumstances of Death
Strahd was slain in a fight with The Loser's Club .
Character Portrait image: by Larry Elmore


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