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The Tianese people were one of the first to settle on Magnamund shortly after the Mythenish . They arrived on the coasts south of the Mountains of Morn and from there they colonized the eastern territories of Karnali  and exploitated the mineral wealth of the Gurlu Marshes. They built the portof Suhn near the Shuni Delta, where the Suhni and Selzar rivers met, butwere prevented from migrating further south by the fearsome Agazad Gorge. They returned to the plains of the North and founded thekingdoms of Forlu  and Korli  (the latter founded in 675 by Lord Margos).

The Tianese are naturally gifted with diplomacy and etiquette, and good at hiding their true feelings. These traits have helped its people surviveliving under the hand of Shasarak the Witch-King and his Shadakine  warriors who keep the Tianese nations under control. Many Tianese accept their fate as subjects of the Shadakine Empire, remembering the corruption of the previous rules, while others grow rich trading with the Vassan merchants from Shadaki and beyond.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Fui, Ji, Lilung, Linu, Maei, Nua, Qi, Rui, Teng, Yu,Yen, Zhin

Masculine names

Bu, Chong , Fiajan, Guanzo, Hing, Juang, Keng, Liung,Mun, Mui, Qiung, Shang, Tian, Wiun, Xang, Yatsen, Zhou


Beauty Ideals

The Tianese have olive skin and almod shaped eyes. Their hair is black and often worn long.
Encompassed species
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Languages spoken


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