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The Mythenish were the first men to settle in Southern Magnamund following the creation of the Moonstone . They appeared in Vaduzhan in MS 289 and quickly migrated to the north and east, having firstestablished their cities on the Mythenian Peninsula. The Great Civil Warof MS 1620 split Vaduzhan and gave birth to the neighbouringdictatorship of Bhanar.

The Mythenish quickly become masters in the art of navigation,controlling the narrow straits which gave access to the Chai Sea. Theyalso expanded on land, to the north of the peninsula. Blocked by theKelderwastes and the cursed lands of Naaros, they migrated eastwardstowards the Great Plain of Lissan where they coexisted peacefully withthe Masbate  nomads. Beyond the Lissan mountains, the Mythenish founded the kingdom of Taklakot .

Today Mhytan's merchant fleet have grown to become the largest in all of Magnamund, their blue and gold ensign a common sight in any tradingport. Their people are also gifted at diplomacy, a skill which helped themto avoid the many wars that have plagued their neighbours over the lastcenturies. Hostility between Bhanar and the other Mythenish nations has cooled recently, although border incidents and trade wars are stillcommonplace.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Ayko, Akasuko, Bunjo, Chaiami, Emijo, Hayomi,Kisho, Mitzu, Namicho, Riku, Sajuko, Wakimo, Yishi

Masculine names

Akami, Daki, Ezuma, Fujaka, Hachamo, Izanja, Kicha,Manzu, Mutzuko, Ozuku, Rujokoz, Satoji, Takyo, Yujako


Beauty Ideals

Mythenish peoples have an olive or darker cast to their skin. Their eyese are almond-shaped and their hair is uniformly black. Mythenish men often cut or shave their hair and keep it tightly bound.

Major organizations

Though they have expanded far across Southern Magnamund, many Mythenish call Mhytan home.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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