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Free Kenny

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The Antiquarian Association arrives in Bremen to investigate rumors of a sea monster. After speaking with locals, they venture into the bay to meet Kenny . After negotiating with Kenny , they return to Bremen and chase Ravisin away.

The Antiquarian Association travels to Bremen to investigate rumor about a sea monster.

When they arrive they speak with Castin Laakin , a town official, and Alissa Deel , an apprentice herbalist, in order to secure potions to protect them from the freezing cold of the lake. Settling in at Buried Treasures , they meet Tali Lensky and learn about her theories on the sea monster.

They venture into the bay, leaving Dax to venture underwater and look for the monster. The monster, Kenny , approaches and begins to speak with Dax . Kenny tells a story about being granted intelligence by a witch, that then threatened to take it away from him. The The Antiquarian Association promised to help him maintain his intelligence.

In continuing their investigation, they discover that Alissa Deel has been visited monthly by Ravisin . They ask about her and learn that there is a cabin outside of town. They speed there and find Ravisin . After a brief skirmish, she flees.

When the group returns, they meet Leviticus waiting for them at Buried Treasures . They ask him about the nature of magical transformation spells, and visit Kenny again. Ultimately, they decide that the spell will not wear off on its own, and arrange a meeting between Kenny and the town authorities, represented by Castin Laakin .

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