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Bremen is a village of ~150 Drodarin, or dwarf living on the eastern side of the Hrod ice shelf.

The town was first founded by Drodarin, or dwarf prospectors. But finding little in the way of precious metals now supports itself by fishing, and acting as a gateway to the Revel's End prison located farther north. The village receives annual payments from both Sommerlund and Durenor .


Bremen consists almost exclusively of Drodarin, or dwarf , with the number of humans in town being less than 5 at any one time.  They are not inhospitable to strangers, but most buildings, furniture, and lodgings are built to accommodate dwarves.


Bremen has no defences to speak of but can field 15 warriors in defense of the village.

Industry & Trade

Bremen primarily subsists on fishing and collection of firewood from the forests that grow alongside the mountains north and west of the village.

Twice annually, the shipment of supplies and prisoners for Revel's End passes through Bremen.  This brings an influx of paying customers as guards' tours of duties both begin and end, and sailors in the employ of Charles Gant  spend time in town.

Guilds and Factions

Bremen has a strong fishers guild that include almost all fishermen in town.  The guild is currently headed by Grynsk Fuller .


There is no regular tourism based in Bremen.  There is a small mountain cabin located just north of town that is let out to those interested in solitary experiences with nature.

Annually, the town opens up for the changing of the guard at Revel's End.  Dozens of soldiers, convicts, and support personnel pass through town on their way northwest to the prison.
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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