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Loser's Club Passes Through The Mhytan Drow Outpost

Military: Skirmish


The Loser's Club makes contact with the remote Drow Outpost guarding the cavern connecting Mhytan to the Deep. They fail to talk their way through, but destroy all Drow Empire military stationed there.

After travelling fror weeks, The Loser's Club makes contact with the remote Drow Outpost guarding this remote area of the Deep. The principal concern at this outpost is over Mhytan or Chai. Their suspicions are low, so The Loser's Club attempts to talk their way past the few dozen guards stationed here.

Their true intenti if revealed when and Illthyri, Shianti subrace wizard reads their minds as they are passing through the outpost. The Illthyri, Shianti subrace soldiers underestimate them and attack recklessly. The Loser's Club destroys all Drow Empire military stationed there.

Solist D'talak privately changes his equipment out for those of a warrior of the Drow Empire . He trades away his leather armor for the mithril chain, and Piwafwi favored by the Illthyri, Shianti subrace . He appears decidedly uncomfortable, but talks through his issues with Decker Majere before they continue on.

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The Loser's Club History