Molly Baskins

Molly is a human sorceress who appears in the Undesirables Campaign. She is played by I.W.



Molly is of average height for a human, though she looks a little under fed. She appears to be young, approximately in her early twenties, but her hair is white from stress shock. She has a fair complexion and slate blue eyes. Most often found in a simple dress and wearing an apron, it's not difficult to assume she spends most of her time in a kitchen. Fhe wears slipper type shoes for comfort while she works and ties her hair back with a kerchief while preparing meals.


A gentle soul who likes helping others, Molly has a calming influence in any room she enters. While she is usually very quiet, she doesn't often try to use her telepathy to communicate. Instead, she projects an unspoken empathy and care to the Undesirables that seems to be understood by the members of the guild. This will also be apparent when she will make tea or treats for others when they are low. Despite her influence, she rarely speaks about herself and her own troubles. She seems to rarely eat, as though she doesn't have much of an appetite despite her profession.



The person known as Molly Baskins is a baker that spent four years living in the city of Dugafjord. Before that time, she has no recollection of who she was before. She had been found in the Underdark, beneath the Greymist Mountains, with nearly full amnesia and several traumatic wounds. While she still had language and only needed a little assistance to relearn how to walk and write, she had lost all knowledge of her past, her family, or even her own name. Since the only one that surfaced in her memory was 'Molly Baskins', the people decided to call her that. One thing that she seemed to have retained was how to cook. She was given enough money to start a bakery as a way to help her get on her feet.   As more and more people came to her business, she began developing a sense that she could hear what other people were thinking inside her own head. She became worried as she approached the healers of the Church of St. Cuthbert as they confirmed that she did indeed have telepathy and was showing signs of developing telekinesis. While they examined her thoroughly on her arrival, and again when she began showing these abilities, they could not find a reason that these powers would manifest. There was, however, a note that she had come in bleeding from one ear. A wizard who claimed to be a researcher speculated the possibility that a parasitic aberration, most likely an illithid, had been implanted in her head, but had failed to develop. He reasoned that it would explain the new abilites and the loss of memories. While he gave her a means to contact him, the nun on call, Sister Abigail, told Molly she had a bad feeling about the wizard and advised her to get rid of it. Molly took Sister Abigail's advice, turning over a Sending Stone to her and went about her life.   Using her new abilities, she acted as a sommelier for her pastries, telling customers to imagine what they liked most and she would make it fresh for them. This made her become a very popular chef and she was often busy from the time she opened to the time she closed. When the smaller cities and villages of Maracia started to come under attack from an unknown force and refugees fled to Dugafjord, Molly was quick to volunteer to aide in making food for the hungry and helping with the injured.

The Undesirables

At the time she was helping the Brides of St. Cuthbert with the refugees in Dugafjord, the Undesirables arrived to investigate and halt the problem. Molly's name was found on a list of names of those to be captured or killed by the mercenaries, and became greatly concerned as she was the only one stated to be taken alive at all costs. They returned and asked to see her so that they could warn her and put her under protective detail. When introduced to Molly, many showed discomfort with the knowledge that she could hear their thoughts, even if it was unintentional. Romeo was the only one who was intrigued by the idea and actively thought things for her to hear as a way to communicate.   As the conflict came to Dugafjord itself, the city was set upon by a horde of wererats. Molly was left in the church to be protected by the Brides of St. Cuthbert, only for it to be revealed that the wererats were a ruse to draw out combatants so that the enemy could infiltrate and abduct Molly. With a Silence spell cast inside the church, the spells of the nuns were unable to activate, allowing a battalion of Draconian soldiers to slaughter most of them and grab Molly. As the only one who could communicate non-verbally, Molly called out to Romeo to save them, but he would ultimately have to leave her unanswered as he was in the thick of the battle outside, trying to save civilians. Though bloody and exhausted, the Undesirables found the escape route used by her captors and gave pursuit. They caught up with her and managed to slay her kidnappers just before they escaped across the Dragonturtle Lake. She was put under the direct protection of Sister Astrid, Brother Cade, and Magnus for the duration of the conflict.   When the danger was over, Molly helped create a feast for the people to celebrate. Romeo assisted her in handing out muffins, though the kobold mostly pelted people with them. She even made enough pies for a pie eating contest which Romeo would end up winning, despite his size. With the Undesirables ready to head out, Ürsa approached and asked her to come with them. Initially hesitant, he convinced her with the promise that they could help her figure out who she was. Molly ended up returning to Westfall with the mercenaries and took a job as their cook, rather than a fellow combatant.   While this promise has yet to be acted upon, she has shown little rush to change that. Over time, Gol'rotta would teach her to fight and develop her magic abilities so that she could protect herself if the need arose. When the dragonborn became more comfortable with her, she asked Molly to teach her how to cook and to make her a recipe book so that she could better care for her adopted daughter.



While the two don't seem to have a lot in common, the fact that Romeo normalizes Molly's telepathy has provided her great comfort since uprooting the only life she knew. She is delighted to feed him his meals because Romeo has always expressed his love of bread and fascination with her pies, both sweet and savory, every day. His appreciation of her has earned him a special place in her heart for making her feel like a normal person.


While the two don't often speak, Ürsa seems to have a deep appreciation and empathy for Molly. With her changes and gaps in memory, it is likely that he sees her as similar to him with his werebear curse. She was the second person to find out about his curse, due to her telepathy, and knows many of the secrets he has withheld from the group. Molly was also able to produce a dessert from Ürsa's homeland as a surprise for Astrid, which helped deepen their relationship.


Despite avoiding Molly at first, Gol'rotta has grown fond of Molly. Initially putting the young woman on a strict training regime, the dragonborn would not let her go undefended again, even if that meant she had to defend herself. Molly's skills with a knife in the kitchen impressed Gol'rotta enough for her to focus their exercises there until she was satisfied. Since then, Molly has been helping Gol'rotta learn to cook and made a recipe book for her. While teaching her, Molly has acted as sort of a therapist for Gol'rotta by indirectly talking about the dragonborn's fears and problems as if she was talking from her own experiences.

Character Information


  • During the Undesirables campaign, Molly will be a high priority target for the Frostbane invaders. Her protection or capture determines her future.
  • Molly is uncertain of her past. She can either be persuaded to embrace her new life, or the party can choose to help her discover her past and reverse her amnesia.
Molly's True Past
Molly's birth name was Milra Kesk. Her parents are the leaders of the Westfall branch of the religious group, Champions of Deception. She had failed a mission for them meant to instigate a civil war within Westfall and tried to make it up to them by becoming fully inducted as a worshipper of their god, Till Eulenspiegel.   With several others, she was led by a cleric named Nothri Vog to look for information on a crew that had gone missing in the Underdark. Following the path, the group was slowly picked off by the monsters and the extremes of the Planar Fluxes channeled through the area.   During one of the breaks they took, the group came across a pool that seemed to be made of condensed planar energy. One of the remaining members drank from it, instantly turning into an illithid. Stunning the remaining members, being Milra, Nothri and only one other, they were taken deeper into the Underdark where the illithid created a spawning pool and several parasites to infect them. Though Nothri escaped, she returned for Milra. Nothri managed to free Milra, but not before a parasite had entered her ear. Milra's body seized before she went unconscious and Nothri had to use an Inflict Wounds spell on her own eye to prevent another parasite from infecting her. The distance away from the main illithid cause the psychic connection between it and Milra's parasite to disconnect, causing it to die and halt the process of consuming her brain and transforming her into an illithid herself.   She managed to drag Milra to safety, leaving her to be found by a dwarven mining company. They brought her to Dugafjord and she was put under the care of Sister Abigail of the Brides of St. Cuthbert. Nothri watched from a distance while Milra recovered. Upon learning that she had no memory before she woke, she quietly left. She seemed happier here than she had in her previous life. Nothri was also in the midst of a falling out with Milra's parents, as the Champions of Deception were originally meant to expose hypocrisy and hubris of those in authority and so she felt the girl's life would be better spent in Dugafjord, far away from her parents' corruptive influence.   Though she does not know where she recalls her adopted from, Molly Baskins was her mother's maiden name before marrying her step-father Radren Kesk.
Character Type
Non Player Character   Actor
I.W.   Date of Birth
Unknown   Place of Birth
Unknown   Class
Aberrant Mind
Undesirables   Family


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