Hustling, Tussling, and Rustling

Criminal Activity


Arriving to Lacington, the Fractured Pack finds the city in lockdown due to the number of refugees at the gates. While awaiting admittance, Broxon and Clives history of bar fights and gambling has caught up to them. Trying to hustle money from more desperate people, they find people they have already financially ruined. Winning the brawl, the two members of the Fractured Pack found the guards of Lacington to be far more stringent on maintaining order here than their past experiences in Locath's docks. Clive and Broxon were jailed within the city and did not stop their antics until an arcanist of the city was called in against them who gave them... a... job?

Arriving to Lacington, the Fractured Pack found the city locked down. With the influx of refugees, the city decided to close their gates. Admittance is only allowed for residence of the city or for individuals that have a resident that will vouch for them and state where they newcomers will be staying. Xanstaer requested a voucher from another Sim that works within the city's chalk mines: Sim Asterios. Clive and Broxon also put out a voucher request for the Cogglecoups, the family they had met with on the road and aided in getting across the Nerm Warren Channel. The guards set a runner to notify Sim Asterios of the request after having their own philosophical debate on whether a Sim could actually vouch for people. While it would be easy to find a Sim, it would not be so easy to find the Cogglecoups without a street address. The guards would simply making a posting at the gate bulletin and the flesh and blood party members would have to hope the Cogglecoups were keeping an eye out on the boards. Either way, admittance after vouchers happened at dawn so the party would have to wait.   The Fractured Pack did not wait well. Well, some of them. Xanstaer continued on with his work while Buck began going amongst the refugee camps looking to see who needed medical treatment. During Buck's altruistic work, he did hear from one of his patients that they had been attacked by the walking dead upon the road. Knowing of the cult and the dark mage from "Norzim", Buck had a hunch to the connected dots. Before he could finish with his work and get back to his group about it though a riot broke out.   Back to the half that did not wait well. Clive and Broxon, seeing downtime on their hands and a whole host of people with nothing to do and uncertainty in their future, tried once again to set up a gambling ring. Unfortunately for Clive, while he was making propositions to the desperate, someone else overheard. Being torn around to about face, Clive stood under the glare and bellows of a man he had already ruined the life of on the ferry voyage over here. While the Fractured Pack had their Urja excursion, this man and his friends had followed the Refugee trail to Lacington to find themselves shut out with limited supplies and now no money to survive on for the last month.   A brawl ensued with Clive at the center. Broxon turned to see it happening and eagerly joined in. In the end, the two men were a tad battered but on the whole fine surrounded by the unconscious bodies of twenty thugs that had sought revenge. Before the victory cheers could go out though, the gates were opening as guards from on top who had watch most of the brawl go down. Easily identifying the two men as the newcomers who had just asked for vouchers with no major troubles like this having occurred before now, Broxon and Clive were taken into custody.   Within the jail cells, Clive and Broxon tried to play nice by chatting up the guards, offering to buy them nice food with their money and such. In the end, we just can't have nice things though. Clive continued to try to push what the guards owed him and how they should treat him. While appreciative, the guards had already done more than they should have and weren't putting up with him. Clive then began to great magical stink bombs which the guards first thought were natural. Clive's antics ended with him getting caught casting his magic and the guards calling up the chain for one of the arcanists of Lacington to deal with this criminal with above mundane capabilities.   The Arcanist who eventually came the next morning was Professor Trowbridge of the Enlightened Repository. Seeing that Clive and Broxon were rowdy adventures without enough stimulus rather than just criminals, he offered to get them a writ for their release under the stipulation that they serve under him. Seeing it as a means of getting out and trusting in their own ability to remove themselves from the mages presence if they decided, the two accepted.   While Broxon and Clive were incarcerated, Buck and Xanstaer continued on with their constructive endeavors. When morning came, Sim Asterios brought them into the city under its purview and began to show Buck and Xanstaer around. Eventually, they made their way to the jailhouse and unknowling bumped into Trowbridge on his was to request his writ. While requesting to see Clive, Buck misunderstood the man's insulting nicknames for the sergeant of the jail and managed to get himself locked up as well.   In the end, Trowbridge got everyone out of jail and brought them to the Enlightened Repository to speak with them about serving as his hands for a couple exploratory and sample gather ventures he required for his experiments. Knowing that Xanstaer needed more time in the city to deal with complication with their past, the party accepted the work to prevent being entirely ejected from Lacington.

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The Fractured Pack