The Fractured Pack

This timeline details the major events in the story of the The Fractured Pack .

Age of Community

6501 and beyond

  • 1021 AC

    7 New Growth

    Gathered Pieces
    Gathering / Conference

    Disparate adventurers find themselves gathering together in the town of Locath.  Broxon and Clive arrived to the town look for jobs to gain gold and prove their capability.  Buck was brought to the port in the custody of the Phaloxil navy having been taken in with capture of the pirates that had enslaved him.  Finally, Xanstaer was taken from the ports, arrested of suspected piracy.  The guards had assumed the autognome of being a creation of the notorious mechanist pirate Gormundus Idledoom.  The collective was given opportunity to serve, recoup losses, and gain a better reputation seeking out a monster that had assaulted a carter bringing goods from Draman back to Locath.

    Additional timelines
  • 1021 AC

    8 New Growth
    1021 AC

    13 New Growth

    Giant P(l)ot Holes

    The heroes who would become the Fractured Pack travel out of Locath for two days to investigate the carter tragedy before returning. They found the hill giant that had assaulted the convoy, a surviving guard, and most of the goods. Following a map that was made for the hill giant revealed the drop location for the stolen gold ingots and captain's saber. Investigating a forgot gold ingot revealed it to be only gilded, hiding a dramani steel bar underneath.

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  • 1021 AC

    14 New Growth
    1021 AC

    15 New Growth

    Imports and Extorts

    The future Fractured Pack return to Locath to investigate the conspiracy that had the carter's shipment attacked to obscure the smuggling of Dramani Steel. An unknown archer's arson at the docks bought the party just enough time to find the final survivor of the giant attack to testify against Captain Feit: his bosun that had been on leave to start a cartering career.

    Additional timelines
  • 1021 AC

    15 New Growth
    1021 AC

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Ends
    Geological / environmental event

    The eternal, riotous precipitation in the center of The Everstorm Sea ceases. Waters typically treacherous become passible and waters never seen draw the attention of those seeking glory and fortune.   With the closing of the Everstorm, the waters of the sea continued to flow outward in all directions through the channels causing a lowering of the sea level. Ports were dropped, shorelines altered, and a general panic swept the area as something so central to mortal lives and their understanding suddenly changed.

  • 1021 AC

    15 New Growth 10:00
    1021 AC

    21 New Growth

    Crafting and Bashing

    Taking a week or so to relax and get some personal tasks done, the heroes hear notice of a job to be done through the Open Orchid Company out in the Sunken Ceshau. Notable during this downtime was: ~ Buck increasing his appeared station through wardrobe and confronting the captain who had enslaved him before the execution ~ Xanstaer's crafting of armor for their new friends ~ Clive's partying and gambling among the docks ~ Broxon's initial success with the fighting warehouse ending with his presence when news was brought of Rogichi's death. Broxon's finale in the pit's earned him a boon from Rogichi's Spirit.

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  • 1021 AC

    25 New Growth
    1021 AC

    27 New Growth

    The Temple of the Ascendant Watch
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack take a job within the Sunken Ceshau to clear a newfound temple of it's hazards to allow a sage to safely study it's history. Within, the heroes destroyed a colony of blights that had taken the above ground ruins for their home before descending beneath to finding their way through the initiation gauntlet.   The temple proved to be a secret cult that contorted the views of Pelor and Sehanine to take their ardent followers and corrupt them. The mastermind of the cult was a Rakshasa servant of Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent. Despite the cult being long dead and signs of the worship room's inhabitants and altar being smited by divine fire, the Rakshasa Voriski was still within the temple. When first found, the Voriski appeared before them as a trapped angel seeking release. The heroes saw through the ploy though, refusing to release her. Escaping her grasp, they returned to the excavation's Sage Klofevar Inkdrivel for guidance on how to handle the trapped Rakshasa.

  • 1021 AC

    27 New Growth

    A Battle of Promises
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After deciding that the only means forward with knowledge of the Rakshasa's existence was to face her immediately, the Fractured Pack descended once more to her vault. Broxon had sworn to Tempus that if the “angel” had betrayed them he would take her head. Seeking to keep his promises, the party attacked in unison as feral Rakshasa retorted with all she had though limited by the time spent in the vault and separated from souls to draw power from. Throughout the battle, Voriski played in the adventurers heads, pulling out phrases memories and threatening homes. As the Rakshasa was slain, head tumbling to the ground a final promise of ruin was made while the corpse burned away, the Rakshasa returning to the nine hells to reform.

    Additional timelines
  • 1021 AC

    2 Blossoms
    1021 AC

    5 Blossoms

    Glorious Return
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack returned to Locath in high on the glory and treasure they had received from completing their task and felling a fiend to boot. Broxon returned to the Fighting Warehouse. Challenging the champion within the cage, Broxon utilized the blessing of Rogichi for an incredibly brutal win going so far as to tear out a tusk of the orcish champion. Broxon's Biggest fan Rhys Ifans stood upon the cage, decreeing the win of “Broxon the Basher” and the partying began like none before. During the more... relaxed... downtime, Buck and Xanstaer continued their crafting and began preparations to travel West to give warning to Broxon's monastery and Xanstaer's “kindred” of future retaliation from the Rakshasa if they could not fully kill her before her return.

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  • 1021 AC

    6 Blossoms
    1021 AC

    12 Blossoms

    The Road to Hell is Paved & Good Intentions

    The Companion's Travel west to the blockade and ferryman ports of Fort Esmir and Fort Weston showed the dark sides to ordinary life with the calming of the Everstorm. Their travels from Locath to the southern side of the Nerm Warren included ridding troglodytes from the remains of a wrecked ship, aiding a refugee family, and devastating many more by setting up a gambling ring on the boat trapping losing gamblers in the “room” with possible home to win it all back but no possible means of fully walking away.

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  • 1021 AC

    13 Blossoms

    Saving a Guardian Beast
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    During the Fractured Pack's journey through the wilderness to the Urja Archive, they overheard a goblin tribe corralling a giant elk into a confined space. Acting just in time, they witnessed an Ankheg burst from the ground beneath giant elk. Together, the party and the guardian beast dispatched the goblins and the insectoid monstrosity. In doing so, the party earned the respect and name of the beast: Na Pru.

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  • 1021 AC

    13 Blossoms
    1021 AC

    14 Blossoms

    Arrival at the Urja Archive
    Gathering / Conference

    Relationships are repaired and rekindled at his childhood home as his companions research a path forward to deal with Voriski. Broxon's interactions with his uncle Nolox started coarse before he broke down and revealed his heartache at Broxon leaving like his father had. Nolox revealed his brother Bron's ancestral name to be Brisson and he had left Broxon here in a selfish desire to go join Tempus' Order of the Steel Fang. Broxon's relationship with his childhood friend Garland was far more inflamatory as she took his leaving personally and saw his return in a more expressive personality as not being the man she grew up with.   In addition to Rakshasa and the Nine Hells, Xanstaer investigated the Everstorm to better understand it's shutdown and portals. Clive looked into possible news on his homeland and gained information on the abstract glyph he would see in his dreams being a cult of Nerull. Clive won further favor with the library by detailing their account in the temple of the Ascendant Watch and allowing them to study the ki wraps they had gotten from the temple. Buck's time was primarily spent aiding in chores as an excuse to get to know Garland

    Additional timelines
  • 1021 AC

    15 Blossoms
    1021 AC

    17 Blossoms

    Finding Selves
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Seeking to master his rage, Broxon with his companions utilize the Spring of Proper Flow under the instruction of Master Lee Sin. Falling to his anger, Broxon becomes consumed by it and trapped within the spirit world. His companions must face their own traumas with the aid of a aasimar paladin of Tempus to save Broxon and give him a second shot at tempering his anger with the focus of the Lord of Battles.

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  • 1021 AC

    18 Blossoms
    1021 AC

    27 Blossoms

    Study Hall: Homework and Fraternization

    After the Fractured Pack's excursion into the Ethereal, their return was parked by a period of continued reprieve within the Urja Archive.  Magic Items were finished up, further studying was done, and Broxon spent much of his time mending broken bridges with Garland.  In the final moments of the party's leaving, Garland proposed a hypothetical future to Broxon, though the reality of it greatly depends on what kind of dwarf he is upon his return and who she is then as well.

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  • 1021 AC

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Resumes
    Geological / environmental event

    After a period of over one month of turmoil, the Everstorm resumes it's precipitation after a band of heroes fended off the attempted incursion of Gresn'Ilknus, The Elemental Chaos .

  • 1021 AC

    21 Blossoms 23:00

    Tangential Electricity
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During the Fractured Pack's downtime within the Urja Archive, a night of serious storms erupted.  Looking out over the mountain range, the occupants of the archive could see mountaintops dazzling with electrical activity.  Unsure of the cause and fearing the consequences of prolonged activity on the mountiantop above the Archive, the Fractured Pack braved the wind and wet cliff-faces.  Climbing to the top of the mountain, they found a dazzling display of lightning elementals destroying the ground on which they danced.  Only after grounding the hostile charges did the adventurers look to the east to see the darkened clouds on the horizon, the Everstorm having returned.  With it's return, a series of paranormal activities dotting the landscape.

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  • 1021 AC

    28 Blossoms
    1021 AC

    6 Growing Ember

    Snakes, Imps, and Refugees

    The Fractured Pack's travels from the Urja Archive.  During the trip, they learned of increased serpent activity, interacted with an imp bound in service to a hermited wizard, and first heard of the cult in the area.

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  • 1021 AC

    7 Growing Ember
    1021 AC

    8 Growing Ember

    Hustling, Tussling, and Rustling
    Criminal Activity

    Arriving to Lacington, the Fractured Pack finds the city in lockdown due to the number of refugees at the gates. While awaiting admittance, Broxon and Clives history of bar fights and gambling has caught up to them. Trying to hustle money from more desperate people, they find people they have already financially ruined. Winning the brawl, the two members of the Fractured Pack found the guards of Lacington to be far more stringent on maintaining order here than their past experiences in Locath's docks. Clive and Broxon were jailed within the city and did not stop their antics until an arcanist of the city was called in against them who gave them... a... job?

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  • 1021 AC

    8 Growing Ember

    A New Heritage
    Cultural event

    During the Fractured Pack's short time within Lacington, they recieved many different perspectives on Xanstaer's creator Alston. First, the home and laboratory of Alston had been bought by a lord of the city to turn it into a museum.  Second, the party managed to acquire use of an apartment from a gnomish celebrity.  One of her attendants has miners in his family directly saved by the actions of a Sim in the past and he wanted to show his thanks.

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  • 1021 AC

    9 Growing Ember

    Murderous Intent
    Criminal Activity

    The Fracture Pack begin their first job under Professor Trowbridge.  In leaving the city, Clive breaks away from the party to confront the men who had attacked him and got him put in jail.  Clive's actions quickly lead to him explosively murdering the ringleader and damage others with magic in front of many nervous onlookers.

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  • 1021 AC

    12 Growing Ember

    The Cult of Cloaked Serpent
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack defeat a cult of Zehir and magic a contract with an imp to gain them answers to question in their eventual quest into Baator to find the reforming Voriski.

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  • 1021 AC

    15 Growing Ember

    Death Sentence
    Diplomatic action

    In returning to Lacington, the Fractured Pack are met at the outskirts of the territory by Professor Trowbridge.  The professor brought news that Clive was wanted for the murder of multiple individuals after being released into the custody of Trowbridge.  Forcing the mage into an awful legal postion, the mage took action into his own hand to negotiate Clives fate: a death sentence.   Specifically, a death sentence carried out via banishment to the Nine Hells of Baator.  Calling a small favor and now owing a much bigger one to an archmage of Phaloxil, the Dominus Porta would send Clive and anyone willing to serve his sentence with him to Baator to their doom.  This turn of events was much sooner than anticipated or desired, nowhere near prepared, but a path forward towards your goals and away from having bounty hunters seeking out one the Fractured Pack.

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  • 1021 AC

    16 Growing Ember
    1021 AC

    18 Growing Ember

    Minauros: Devils, Ruth, and the Search for Voriski

    Exiled to Baator for Clive's crimes, the Fractured Pack make their way through the polluted swamps of Minauros. Fighting off devils as they went, the party sought answers from the hag Red Ruth, trekked through the hellish landscape fending off the scavengers, and made their way through the crags of an acidic labyrinth to find their destination.

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  • 1021 AC

    18 Growing Ember

    The Cost of the Quarry
    Life, Death

    The Fracture Pack finish their descent into the temple of Zehir. They located the essence of Voriski but found more threats than just here spirit. Swarms of Zehir's children and a guardian hydra worked against the heroes' efforts to destroy Voriski forever. Despite their victory, they also bore the burden of defeat with the loss of both Clive and Xanstaer to their infernal foe.

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  • 1021 AC

    19 Growing Ember
    1021 AC

    20 Growing Ember

    A Pair of Funerals
    Era beginning/end

    With the remaining Fractured Pack's return from Minauros, not all evils we left beyond. The sadness and sorrow of the moment brought Broxon and Buck into a world changed forever. Perhaps only changed for them, but changed none the less. Clive was laid to rest within the hills of Phaloxil under a singular tree. Broxon labeled the marker with Clive's chosen name. The dwarf prayed to the Lord of Battles to save the soul of the man that he had brought down with his own axe. As Broxon prayed, the marker revealed an epitaph: "A Man Forever at War / A Man Now at Peace".   The party requested return to Lacington from the Dominus Porta. Back within the gnomish city, they began informing those they could of the Sim's passing. Xanstaer was interred with honor into the catacombs of the Geode Jubilance. In attendance were Sim Asterios, Professor Trowbridge, Lady Gigi, and Cladbap Orchidhand.

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  • 1021 AC

    21 Growing Ember
    1021 AC

    22 Growing Ember

    Kailos Laboratories: Extermination and Cooperation

    Buck and Clive take on a minor extermination and collection job for the Dominus Porta to try to clear their heads after their losses. An aid of the archmage joins them search for required documents. Despite slaying many of the experiments, they find one experiment in need of saving.   Hali and Anna join the party.

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  • 1021 AC

    2 High Sun
    1021 AC

    3 High Sun

    Absent of Honor

    The fractured Fractured Pack's time in Locath is cut short as Broxon's bottled up mourning finally shatters. Returning to the dockside fighting warehouse, the dwarf's mediocre bouts end with him killing a fan. Broxon flees across town to finish drinking the day away before being confronted by an angelic marshal to correct his course. With only enough time in town for the other three companions to acquire what goods they needed, the party leaves the next morning to continue their journeys.

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  • 1021 AC

    12 High Sun

    The Raid of Langdale
    Military action

    Seeking a means of crossing Nystor's Path, the party arrive at the port town of Langdale to find it assailed by pirates. The partial Pack rushed into the danger, fought back the pirate crews, and parlayed with the operational leader of the assault. Buck learned of the slaving plantation he was destined for and Hali gained an odd inclination towards a ghost story from the region, the Tertalak. In the end, the party was victories in their defense of the town, and the reputation of the Fractured Pack continued to grow once more a party of four.

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  • 1021 AC

    14 High Sun

    Scraggly Taxi
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack hitches a ride across Nystor's Path on the return journey of a fishing vessel that routinely makes a copper delivery from the Cuport for the dwarves of the Copper Hills.  On the journey, Broxon learned the name of the last dwarven family in the area to make a voyage back to Dul Kag: The Hardguts.  The dwarf also learned that many years earlier, the Thunderbraids (the copper transporters) had also ferried Bron across Nystor's Path as well.   Not just a time of rumination, the small boat was attacked midway through the ride by a small band of scrags, one of which wore a coral crown.  After felling the creatures with Hali's keen insight to immediately use acid on them, the party found that the coral crown had lodged within it a Ring of Fire Resistance:  Truly an item to make a scrag troll a king... if not for the hammer Jotunfel.

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  • 1021 AC

    17 High Sun
    1021 AC

    18 High Sun

    Invasive Species
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After docking in Cuport, the Fractured Pack's foot travel began. The first waypoint in their search for Dul Kag was the home of the Hardgut clan. During the visit to the home of these hill dwarves, the adventurers made themselves useful to their ills. While most of their mining and herding was going fine, the Hardguts did have one mine that they had to abandon due to a combination of hazards. A chimney fluke from the underdark had been uncovered allowing for fungus, slimes, and hook horrors to begin making their way up. The Hardguts had attempted to pipe in a poison gas to kill them but that had failed... the gas was from the underdark already so they were already accustomed to it.   In the end, Broxon, Hali, and Anna managed to exterminate the hive of hook horrors and incinerate the fungi and slimes that had taken hold of the caves. The mines will now be useable by the Hardguts again... once they get the poison gas blown out. During all of this time, Buck was distracted by helping the shepherds with a pair of newborn twins one of the sheep had had.   Thankful for the help, the Fractured Pack was given a day of rest and food within the Hardgut home and they were more than sharing with their information about Dul Kag.

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  • 1021 AC

    23 High Sun
    1021 AC

    26 High Sun

    In the Minority
    Diplomatic action

    After spending four days of travel split between hills and forest, the Fractured Packs' journey takes a detour. The Pack begrudgingly allies with the Ashskin gnolls to earn themselves safe passage through a wilderness claimed by dozens of gnoll, goblin, and orc tribes each willing to defend their territory from "civilized" outsiders.   The Pack is tasked with removing a threat from the Ashskin's temple ruins but find a phoenix, sickened from the elemental fluxes of the past spring. Rather than killing the entity guarded by the wood woads of the shrine of Sylvanus, the Pack decided to aid it. The party journeyed to Lushbrume (a nearby volcano), in search of fireapples to return the phoenix's strength. Therein, the pack worked in conflict with the local fire giants. They received a prophecy from the Oracle of the Heartfire, acquired the Fireapples, and Broxon challenged a champion. In the end, Broxon lost but did so honorably. Jotunfell was destroyed but it was replaced by giant craft armor.   The party returned to the nurse the phoenix back to health and earned safe passage through the monstrous territories.

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  • 1021 AC

    26 High Sun
    1021 AC

    28 High Sun

    Working Towards Your Gnolls

    The two and a half day journey for the Fractured Pack to the Runol Pass was escorted by Thol and other gnolls of the Ashskin clan. The journey took them through the territories of many gnolls, goblinoids, and orc territories. This voyage was streamlined by the hunter's aid. The Fractured Pack avoided the worst areas entirely and utilized the politics of the tribes in the lesser areas.

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  • 1021 AC

    27 High Sun

    Desires and Demands
    Diplomatic action

    During their journey, both Hali and Buck pursue further ties outside the Fractured Pack.

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  • 1021 AC

    1 Radiance

    Runol Passed Eye
    Military: Skirmish

    The Fractured Pack traverse the Runol Pass, slay a trio of cyclops, and find a clue to their given prophecy.

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  • 1021 AC

    2 Radiance

    Thunderhoof Huff and Thjoldmondr Bluff
    Life, Milestone

    The Fractured Pack encounter a tribe of the Risen Caste, rescue the white-haired woman of their prophecy, and call in the Dominus Porta's favor.. In they end, they find themselves in a secret campsite with an Anvilguard of Dul Kag.

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  • 1021 AC

    3 Radiance

    Drakes, Drakes, Dranks
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack climbs the entirety of Thjoldmondr, deal with a pack of drakes, are interrogated by Commander Drakemace, and find rest inside the city of Dul Kag.

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  • 1021 AC

    4 Radiance

    Never Dul in Dul Kag
    Cultural event

    The companions begin to uncover realities within Dul Kag. Hali seeks treatment for her legs, Anna discovers the modern history of an ancient plague, and Broxon confronts his father.

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  • 1021 AC

    5 Radiance

    Gloss and Grime
    Life, Identity

    The Fractured Pack begin to settle into Dul Kag as educations of the day prior bring revelations as the informations fully coalesces.  Hali begins her treatments.  Broxon learns of his mother.

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  • 1021 AC

    6 Radiance
    1021 AC

    5 First Harvest

    Developed Relations, Divine Inspirations
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After having two days within Dul Kag to orientate them themselves and having their intial questions answer, the Fractured Pack determined to settle for the moment to achieve tasks impossible to them while on the road. Research, crafting, and relationships marked the broadest sense of their next month.

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  • 1021 AC

    5 First Harvest
    1021 AC

    8 First Harvest

    Old Tales, New Trails, Borrowed Veils, Blue Jails

    The Fractured Pack head back out onto the road for their next goal of finding the Tertalak and saving the slaves of Craven Cove.  The travel back down Thjoldmondr, stay in the Anvilguard outpost they had on the way up, and encounter the remains of both living and dead villages from Anna's Lung Rot notes.

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  • 1021 AC

    8 First Harvest
    1021 AC

    9 First Harvest

    Why is Everything Armor Plated?

    The Fractured Pack continue their expedition through the Ulgos Jungle to find eclectic threats despite all have armor plated hides.

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  • 1021 AC

    9 First Harvest

    Another's Wilde Den
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Fractured Pack are tossed into a tangential side adventure within the Feywilde that holds deeper conequences than anyone could have imagined.

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  • 1021 AC

    10 First Harvest
    1021 AC

    11 First Harvest

    Post-Vacation Blues
    Life, Relocation

    The Fractured Pack's return to the prime material is rougher on them than they had expected.  Back in a jungle that is not the Ulgos, the party spend a day and a half in rest.  They meet a lizardfolk medic from the village Jijiado and gain leads on possibly both Craven Cove and the Tertalak.

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  • 1021 AC

    12 First Harvest 06:00
    1021 AC

    12 First Harvest 12:00

    Beherror 404: TerLacking, Not Found
    Military: Battle

    The Fractured Pack face the monster that threatens the lands north of Jijiado to both great accomplishment and minor dissappointment.

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  • 1021 AC

    12 First Harvest 12:00
    1021 AC

    12 First Harvest 24:00

    The Narrative Ripens
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack find a horror centralized around a lost seafaring vessel run aground in the middle of the jungle. They hear of some mysterious "Lady" before having to deal with a bloodsuckin threat. Within the vessel, they find austere evidence of an aberrant force of nightmares that Hali claims to be a lead on the Tertalak.

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  • 1021 AC

    13 First Harvest
    1021 AC

    14 First Harvest 05:00

    Seeking Out Nightmares and Finding One
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The Fractured Pack finds the Shrine of the Slumbering Nightmare and starts the dominoes of a tragedy.  Four companion's heated press into the shrine ends with only three fleeing from it.  They seek a hole to hide in by there can be no true rest around this Shrine.  When the nightmare finally ends, reality must be faced.

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  • 1021 AC

    14 First Harvest

    The Day After Party
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Fractured Pack has two massive decisions to make:  how to respect their friend and what to do next.

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  • 1021 AC

    15 First Harvest
    1021 AC

    16 First Harvest

    Rose Tinted Shattered Glasses
    Diplomatic action

    The Fractured Pack turns their attention to Craven Crove with previous realities smashed.  In their journey, they find the aid of another with similar cracks in their future plans.  With more information about Craven Cove at hand than they would have otherwise had, the Fractured Pack accepts the aid of a previous member of the cove.

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  • 1021 AC

    16 First Harvest

    Welcome to Craven Cove
    Cultural event

    The Fractured Pack arrive to the outskirts of Craven Cove to many realizations.  They had learned from Sigismund that it was bigger than they thought but now they truly see it.  They also learn that this task is going to be much harder than previously thought.  Finally, pieces fall into place as to how their previous encounters in these jungles relate to one another.

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  • 1022 AC

    16 First Harvest
    1022 AC

    17 First Harvest

    CC: Awakenings
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack come to realize the ramifications of what they have dug their way into.  Threats are greater in magnitude and number than they ever thought.  In desperation, they turn to a darkness for aid.

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  • 1022 AC

    17 First Harvest

    CC: Realities
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack regroup and commit fully to Louisa Prescott and the Tertalak.  Many clues are connected in time for another problem to be realized.

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  • 1022 AC

    18 First Harvest
    1022 AC

    19 First Harvest

    CC: Mutinies
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Fractured Pack turn their attention toward the Captain of the Cove, Godwin Moore.

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