CC: Mutinies

Life, Achievement/ Win


The Fractured Pack turn their attention toward the Captain of the Cove, Godwin Moore.

When the morning came, a haggard Sigismund made his barren return to the Fractured Pack to face the truth of the matter. The companions spoke of the situation tactically as a trial to be overcome in the moment. Sigismund would probably have one more transformation before he had a month for the full moon to come again with its lunacy. The companions would get him through the night before turning their attention back to Craven Cove and the problems there. If they could save the slaves, including at least one shifter of Buck's group, perhaps they could make their way back up to Buck's tribe. The lineage of shifters draw their origins to conquer lycanthropy. Perhaps the spiritual leaders could aid Sigismund through it as well to tame the beast.
  But for now, though, they had one more night. The tactic Sigismund and Hali had attempted the night before with the cave and the dome was good, just shoddily done. The party would spend the majority of this day digging out a section of cave with a pickaxe to make a holding cell specifically designed to hold the beast and allow the dome to snuggly cover the entrance with minor air holes.
  When the time came, Sigismund entered the hole and was locked in by the dome. The transformation was equally grueling but this time he was truly locked in. The werewolf flung itself at the dome, a shock to those within that could not see the dome when looking outward. The rampage of the lycan shifted to attempts to claw it's way out. While considerable damage was done to the stone work with large claw marks scraping their way out, the nature of the beast was not a burrower and the cell held for the night. Seeking to experiment with Sigismund's awareness of the situation, Hali spent the night reading Buck's herbalism book to the beast. When questioned on it in the morning, Sigismund recalled not much more than flashes and emotions. The beast completely dominated the mind.
  But with the final night passed, the Fractured Pack put their attention on the Cove once more. Determined to continue the hit-and-run tactics to bear down on the community leaders, the next target would be Captain Godwin Moore. Anna performed an invisible aerial reconnaissance on the town to find that the guard had been organized more than ever. After having three days of werewolf attacks and the supposedly supernatural murder of Louis Prescott, the town was operating as if under siege. Captain Moore was running the defenses from his ship locked into harbor as his permanent residence.
  The Plan was simple. Cause a distraction of the guard up towards Dryden's office in the temple ruins while the companions hit Captain Moore in the harbor. Hali managed the distraction completely on her own by awakening the spectral mind of her tome and sending it hovering over the southern gates and over the town. On the way, it gathered attention of both bow and musket fire up at it while others ran ahead spooked by the supernatural qualities. As Hali got up to the temple, she summoned her Slaadi inspired Byakhee through it to cause carnage in the town before being put down.
  While the tome havered through the town, the companions swam under the harbor to the ship with Anna produce more airbubbles for the three that could not eternally hold their breath. Getting to the vessel, the assualt was brutal and fast. Buck began a quick series of assassinations as Sigismund took the attention and spiraled through the guards. Anna took to the sky to deal with the musketeer in the crow's nest. Half of the deck was cleared before any counter attack could happen. When the counter did come, it was more than just the remainders on deck. An entire second unit arose from beneath deck keeping everyone busy. Hali charged through on both lightning stride and conjured lightning bolts to weaken swathes of pirates for her companions to better take out. Sigismund got surrounded... and then Captain Moore made his appearance on the field. Having needed time to ready himself in his captain's quarters, his appearance on the field changed everything.
  Captain Moore strided the ship with the same speed that he had outrun the Lycan. When men became terrified of the Sigismund's menacing assault, he held them firm. And his weaponry hit hard. Man atime in Sigismund deathspiral of bloody blade and tertalak's tendril did he turn to barely evade a battery from Moore's double barrel Musket. A wave of called guards charged towards the docks More brought Sigismund down.
  The captain began his coup-de-gras on the men as Buck charged in, shifted, to hammer the man back and make room for his infernally's gifted needle to heal the man. No sooner did Hali send the remainders of the reinforcement running in fright from the ship that a second larger wave was incoming with ever more of the cover filing down towards them. Needing to finish this, Hali coinjured a sickening radiant light. While Moore managed to lope out of it, it did hold the dockside soldiers at bay aftrer they saw someone blister and melt upon entering the light. Arrows, fire, and finally a lashing of the tertalak's tendril brought Captain Moore down before the back.
  The Captain was executed and beheaded to send a message to those that filed towards the ship. Sigismund tore his family ring from the dead man's hand. Anna gathered the single and double barrel musket from the battlefield along with the accouterments. With final shots at the guards on the dock for covering fire, the pack descended back into the water to make their escape from a second successful hit on the leaders of Craven Cove.

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Complete History of Malpos
The Fractured Pack