Giant P(l)ot Holes



The heroes who would become the Fractured Pack travel out of Locath for two days to investigate the carter tragedy before returning. They found the hill giant that had assaulted the convoy, a surviving guard, and most of the goods. Following a map that was made for the hill giant revealed the drop location for the stolen gold ingots and captain's saber. Investigating a forgot gold ingot revealed it to be only gilded, hiding a dramani steel bar underneath.

~ 2 Days travel, 2 Days Investigations, 2 Days travel back ~ The heroes who would become the Fractured Pack traveled out from Locath in search of the carter's wreckage. Upon arrival, they found evidence of a behemoth having staked out behind a hill, the shattered remains of the cart with some goods remaining as well as the carter's ledger, and two trails from the wreckage. One lighter one leading away to the north east, another heavily tread to and from the east. Following the greater tread trail led them to the distant lair of a Hill Giant.  

  Surprising the Giant as it had surprised the caravan, the labored fight ended with a body slammed dwarf and an arrow exploding across the giant's face. Investigation of the giant's stockpiled bodies revealed one still living. Saving the guard, the adventurers found a majority of remaining goods within the cave or evidence of the giant having eaten them. A large portion of Locath's order gold ingots were still missing along with the Dramani Steel Saber the city had order for a promotion ceremony.   Finding a colorfully bold map on a elk hide clearly made by an outside source for the giant, they followed the instructions to a Nothern tree along the river. The location matched the trajectory of the northeast trail from the wreckage. At the base of the tree the heroes found upturned soil. Digging through, the party found flecks of gold interspersed with the dirt and a single forgotten gold ingot. Broxon feeling the weight difference between the originally found ingots and the new one triggered further investigation. Filling into the side of the one found in the dirt revealed the gold was only a coating to hide a dramani steel ingot underneath.  
  Fixing the Carter's wagon, the heroes escorted the saved goods and the injured guard back to Locath with answers but also a conspiracy

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