Finding Selves

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Seeking to master his rage, Broxon with his companions utilize the Spring of Proper Flow under the instruction of Master Lee Sin. Falling to his anger, Broxon becomes consumed by it and trapped within the spirit world. His companions must face their own traumas with the aid of a aasimar paladin of Tempus to save Broxon and give him a second shot at tempering his anger with the focus of the Lord of Battles.

Broxon's time back home has caused great turmoil for him as he confronts the reasons he left and the damage done in the wake of his actions. Knowing that Broxon was never one to master the finer points of meditation and disciple, Master Lee Sin offered Broxon a chance to deal with his anger directly though doing so would be quite dangerous. Broxon brought his companions with him in spite of the risk to all involved.   Utilizing the Spring of Proper Flow beneath the archive, Master Lee Sin guided the party through a spiritual projection within the tiered pools. All the companions found themselves within a chamber shrouded in darkness, a snarling hunched figure barely seen in the gloom. As the party continued forward, the areas of multiple party members in close proximity beat back the darkness to reveal a manifestation of Broxon's rage between him and a great spectral blade sticking upright from the ground at the far end of the chamber. Broxon's rage lashed out, devastating the party when they got involved but focusing on Broxon. The harder they hit it though the harder it lashed back devastating body and mind. In the end, it overcame Broxon, consuming him. The room disintegrated and topple Buck, Clive, and Xanstaer into nothingness.   The companions found themselves in a desaturated world of limited view. The Spirit World. Broxon nowhere in sight. As they tried to orient themselves, appearing before the partial party in flash of light appeared a celestial warrior. The paladin of Tempus introduced himself as Galgaliel and a stated that his god sent him to either save the dwarf or ferry the body out of it's doom and into the afterlife. Through thought, the party found themselves pulled to different destinations of person matters. Buck was pulled away into a spiritual Timberbank where he hunted and was hunted by a trio of dire wolves.   Clive's Will brought him and Xanstaer into a graveyard of ghosts, tombstones either familiar or blatantly known to him. Only after aggression began did a final, surging sepia spirit apparate mirroring Clive's powers. Ghosts called out to Clive with proclamations of "Liar" repeated until one of them said "Lionel". While Clive knew the lie that the spirits claimed, he thought a mistake was made as that was not his name. Eventually finding the name "Lionel Rossfield" on the grave from which the greater entity had come from, he realized there was more going on than even he knew. Thinking on the goings on and his isolation (as Xanstaer also disappeared through their own thoughts) Clive privately, quietly admitted to Broxon that he had lied to the dwarf and the others. His name wasn't Clive. It was Leon and he was running from his past. But he wanted to still be Clive, to be Clive and with them.   As Xanstaer explored a fractured, drifting facsimile of his creater's workshop, they simply, respectfully, went about cleaning up the place. Not lashing out, not fighting, not refusing. In simply accepting his past and working to better it, their thoughts of simply wanting everyone together and safe slowly made that a reality. Not here, not in any of their spaces, but collectlively in a new one. One in a spectral pond, a large cocoon in the center assaulted by a barlgura and shades.   Despite the dangers, our companions fought on and eventually broke Broxon from his cocoon and in slaying the Barlgura, Galgaliel welcomed Broxon to have another go at facing his anger, not on his own but with the might of his god behind him. Splitying a portal through the realm of spirit back into Broxon's psyche, the party surged in eaching taking a swing at Broxon's Rage before the dwarf himself smited the creature down with a mighty blow.   Returning back into the Spring of Proper Flow, Broxon found himself battered and beaten. The companions were scuffed and bruised across their backs, legs, and rumps, their arms feeling like they had been pullled from their sockets. Heaving, bleeding, and bloodied, the party found an exhausted Master Lee Sin still in the chamber. Three days. Three days they had been finding themselves through the spirit world, fighting their way back from when they had been dumped from Broxon's consumed body. And for three days Master Lee Sin had fought Broxon's body overcome by the incarnation of Rage, dragging and throwing his companions about the pools out of the way of danger, brutalizing Broxon's body just enough to slow it but not enough to have a chance of the dwarven body giving out before he could return from this ordeal.   Legend Lore: After this point, Broxon dropped his Berserker Subclass and began the Path of the Zealot.

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