Drakes, Drakes, Dranks

Life, Achievement/ Win


The Fractured Pack climbs the entirety of Thjoldmondr, deal with a pack of drakes, are interrogated by Commander Drakemace, and find rest inside the city of Dul Kag.

The Fractured Pack's journey up the mountain was long. With Dul Kag's lower gate long collapsed, the only entrance was upon the mountain's peak. The journey was rough and dragged on longer and longer. A storm blew in but the party would not stop. Their persistence drove them through drake territory. The beasts were noted ahead of time by Anna and Buck spotting the dry places they had been laying before being encroached upon. The quintet quickly dropped the pack. A few skins were harvested and Broxon claimed a head as a trophy.   When the back reached the top, Simdala used a hollow tube as key and doorbell, inserting it into a hole in the spire-like door and beating a rhythm on it to announce her presence to those below. Guards opened the door and when confirmed by Simdala, all were led down an exceeding steep set of stairs. Simdala was brought in for immediate debriefing as the Fractured Pack was held back. While there were preliminarily questions, it was more about waiting for orders. The wait did get Broxon a confirmation on someone knowing Bron. If all went well, he could be led through the city to find him.   The Fractured Pack was led down into the full level of Gmalthgot, what had once been the slightly xenophobic retirement neighborhood for the elders no longer wanting to deal with the bottom floor markets open to the world. With the inverse of doors, the amount of retrofitting for defense and new construction for military use could be seen. The pack was led to the anvilguard headquarters and presented to Commander Sazzomli Drakemace. The commander thanked the party for their service to the city in saving Anvilguard Bonegrip and seeing her back. In thanks, the party was given rooms at the resort Panoram Rest and given a Writ of Hospitality to try to keep the party's prices low while they were in the city. Broxon's questions on citizen records was met with a downplaying of administration. Closest thing to a complete list would be clerical required of baptisms. Anna's inquiries into Lung Rot were met with caution and concern. In the end, though, both hands pointed towards the Spirit's Temper within the Temple District.   The party made their way to the Panoram Rest first to drop off gear before anything else. With separate rooms for everyone, the highest level of Dul Kag comfort became not only available to you, but also Norzim. The imp took the opportunity to drop in on Buck. Looking for means of promotion, the mention of Lung Rot had gotten his attention. If Norzim couldn't get his superiors to promote him, switching to a heirarchy of the Diseased could earn him some quick increases in title. He simply asked that Buck keep his ear out for information to help Norzim feel this possibility out. Buck took the opportunity to bring up a qualm he had with the gifts the contract had brought about. His friends were capable of healing with their powers yet the gifts granted by the infernal contract couldn't. Norzim admitted that healing wasn't really in the wheelhouse of the fiends. What was in their wheelhouse was souls, barters, and work-arounds. Norzim produced the contract specifically to take the pen in which it had been signed. Deftly, the imp shaved it down and manipulated it into a bone quill to present to Buck. He challenged the shifter to find his own means of getting what he wanted. With that, the imp disappeared   Most of the Fractured Pack spent their first night tucked into their rooms, eating and drinking from the provided hospitality of the hotel or their own infinite supplies. The day had be long and arduous. Despite this, Buck found himself going out for a stroll after his private conversation with Norzim.   The shifter found the area around the Panoram Rest to have an immediate vicinity of attempted tourism. Unfortunately, with an annual tourist population countable on fingers and toes, it didn't take him long to get to the edge of it to move towards elder residential areas. A pair of guards approached the white-haired anomaly to check in. Buck identified himself and his companions. The guards made themselves available to the outsiders and did a good bit to push the local apiary as a tourist location though their independent knowledge was spotty on some of the deeper workings of the trade. They had their sales-pitch and that was about it. After the guards parted ways, Buck made his way back to the Panoram Rest to eventually find his sleep as well.

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