Gala of Bird and Beast

Diplomatic action


The Iron Wolves attend a gala where they are courted by many suitors.

At the gala, the party waited in reserve for the guests to arrive before making their entrance. The party burst in the doors under Gregors introduction, Zeran producing his spectral arms, Lyle bounding forward howling as a grey wolf, Kain levitating in upon a chair, and Daniel weaving an illusory party to enamor the crowds with a secondary pack to fully fill out hall that they walked. People generally cheered and awed in delight though Zeran caused such an amazement of one individual that his chair clattered behind him as he stood. Zeran would later learn from Aldarina that this man was a Lord of Lacington. Specifically, Lord Carmine Golda Ged, the council liason for gnomish concerns. Carmine was the Marquis' sister's brother-in-law and was in town for a visit.
  Arriving to the head table at the end of the hall, Aldarina had placed Zeran and Daniel between himself and the marquis' daughter. The far end held Lyle and Kain at greatest distance from him with Gregor next in next to one Admiral Hall. Daniel entertained Sefora with tricks an maintaining all of her drinks to taste of her favorite fruit (Pomegranite). Gregor held court with Admiral Hall. The older woman acted confidently and beyond confinded ettiquette, taking fully of the bounty before her. When Kain offered her a telekinetically lifted pitcher of wine to pour her some, she simple took the whole vessel. The Admiral admitted to Gregor that she was getting ready to return to Zhalvazho but had stayed with the recent headlines. She was more than willing to have the sargeant for another tour. Absent of that, she would be happy to see him on a vessel back to the continent if need be.
  During all of this, Gregor noticed one of the servants standing out from the rest. Gregor had seen him during his day of hyping before and not the man was shy of perfectly uniformed mistakes in arm position and towel placement. Gregor called him over, pulled him close to correct his form and question him. The man was very nervous but made note that he would like to talk later. After the man could make a few more rounds, Kain called him over, grabbed him bruskly making a show of his branded C on his arm, and freaked the man out before anything else could develop. The tray clattered to the ground and the man excused himself from service, leaving the hall entirely. Lyle then shrunk into his thick fur coat and came out the bottom as a rat to follow the man outside in the dark. Daniel retireved the coat and took it to a butler to return to Lyle before he returned to the party.
  The servant went down the long drive of lined up carriages to the final one. There he spoke with the driver about having failed. He couldn't get “them” to talk. He had been made. The driver berated the man for giving up, putting the blame on him and not the desired guests. The servant said that the giant was probably no longer an option nor the one with antlers. He made not that the most normal of the warriors wasn't. He was something else, some kind of freak. The drive tried to push for another route but at that point Lyle returned to his human form. His fur coat left in the hall, he now only wore his lingerie. The appearance freaked out the duo and the situation certainly threw them off. The driver tried to follow the plan, offering to take Lyle for a ride. If he got in, the druid would find himself in negations for a large pay day to simply limit what information was shared when people questioned the party about about specific events. Lyle took the information but wasn't about to act on it. He scoffed at the man telling him that the Iron Wolves would make that choice together. The driver denied, that saying their offer would be heard before any others. Get in or it's forfeit. Lyle refused and the driver kicked the horses up to go off.
  About this time the rest of the head table were being courted by plenty of lesser nobles and influential business people looking to just make introductions. During this, a beautiful younglady with an elder escort had approached Gregor and Kain who wingmaned off each other as the dame attempted to court the leader of the pack. Kain's charms failed him and she turned her attention to Gregor. She truly was courting the goliath as after she got his name, she served him a summons to appear for questioning on the 15th. At this moment, Lyle returned to the room, coat tucked over one arm, striding in confidently in his lingerie.
  Half of the room erupted in noise and rose to their feet. This wasn't a standing ovation though. Half of the guest outright stood up to leave. Mitigation of the situation immediately began as Daniel conjured an illusion to block line of sight first for Sefora and then others. Lyle himself broke out into explanation that the Iron Wolves were already being bribed for their influence in upcoming events but they would not stoop to lower themselves to Phaloxil's standards. Those already offended continued to leave but Lyle's bold claims intrigued those not immediately put off Despite his final sweeping insult.
  The Marquis pulled the gala back on track. Minor conversations continued to be had as the barrister excused herself and her elder escort. Aldarina revealed to Zeran and Daniel that the woman was an up and coming lawyer making her name in fighting corruption in the city. Barrister Catherine de Mulde was gaining a name but over half of her cases against the corrupt ended with settlements outside of public sight and Aldarina didn't trust it. Across the table, Admiral Hall was taking Lyle's social graces as the key to convince Gregor of the merits of working for her in Zhalvazho as a mercenary with purposeful goals, independent decision-making, and retainer pay as well as objective rewards. More guests made their introduction and eventual inquires into local work through the Marquis in matters such as bandits, criminals, and monsters.
  Gregor took the initiative to begin telling tales of the Iron Wolves deeds with Daniel as a wingman of illusory supplements. At least it was supposed be supplemental. Many guests of this upper crust had seen displays of illusion before, even illusions with narrative purpose. What they had not seen was the degree to which Daniel worked, a nonstop onslaught warping images flowing from one to another. Where most would hang on scenes trying to make the most of every casting, Daniel just continued to adapt, cast and recast, an infinite spring of arcane capability. By the end, everyone was enraptured, and as the story broke up Daniel had quite the selection of individuals bidding for their card supply.
  During this bidding, Lord Carmine of Lacington took his chance to approach Zeran but quickly found his foot in his mouth. The Lord had assumed Zeran to be entirely artificial. He then fell into a pit of thinking Zeran was a martial arts master astral projecting into an artificial body while he was far away training. Carmine wanted to discuss connections with Zeran's maker for possible deligation of rights and research that the gnomes of Lacington might be able to do on this seemingly new model unlike their Sims. The more Zeran let out that his current state was not of his choice, the more distraught Lord Carmine became. Aldarina stepped up to diplomatically get Carmine to be able to sit down again with a bit of dignity left while also ensuring that any future approaches would come through the elf. In the end, Carmine was in retreat with Aldarina holding and open invitation for Zeran to reach out if and when they were ready. When Zeran thanked the elven herbalist, Aldarina dissolved the situation stating that he was quite practiced in the social footing of bodily autonomy.
  The evening continued on, some dances were had. Gregor found a lady to slip away with while others where politically schmoozing to create the parasocial relationships to having people look at them as trusted heroes for future jobs. The party had a chance to regather before a final hurrah and the evening drew to a close. Peter Fulcman delivered the Ironwolves back to their inn in Vecchia to sleep off the party.

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