Birth of Legends

This timeline details the major events in the stories of the Silver Wardens and the Iron Wolves .  Both campaigns were played one after the other by the same table.  There are some connections between the two besides a shared setting.

Age of Community

6501 and beyond

  • 13 AC

    Treaty of Prism
    Diplomatic action

    Made in 13 AC to secure safety during it's expansion, the Grand Duke of Phaloxil made a diplomatic treaty with the King of Riscor-Calashen and the Court of Currents. Phaloxil sought to expand its control once again across the Storm Broken Lands after the close of the Age of Isolation. The pact assured the societies to the south that it would not claim control or influence over the border lands between the nations.

  • 694 AC

    Betrayal of the Shid
    Religious event

    The undersea god of Zhalvazho known as the Shid was betrayed by its island followers.  As it was called out to worship, a mighty hunter of the Cosyen Kingdom attempted to fell it with a barbed harpoon of Orichalcum.  The now Wounded God abandoned his treacherous island worshippers and retreated to the depths of the world.  In the Shid's absence, the three islands were destroyed by storms, illness and invaders.  These fell islands would come to be the uninhabitable Dire Chain.

  • 729 AC

    Kingdom of Cosyen Falls into the Ocean

    Upon the northwest corner of the continental Zhalvazho, the peninsular nation of Cosyen crumbles from the continent into the ocean below forming the Cosyen Debris.

  • 1021 AC

    5 Radiance
    1021 AC

    6 Radiance

    Gathered Goods

    In need of work, a collection of adventures gather together in Galley View. Under pay of the Phaloxil military, the band of mercenaries set out to find the cause of an attacked riverboat carrying goods.

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  • 1021 AC

    7 Radiance

    The Lighthouse's Tale
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Delser Point Lighthouse has long stood as a guide through the norther Nerm Warren. However, the magic that keeps the continual flame atop it has faded and sputtered through lack of care. The light house has been abandoned and haunted since the last keeper threw himself from the tower. The gathered mercenaries were tasked with re-enchanting the beacon at the top.

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  • 1021 AC

    10 Radiance

    Climbing Hills, Seeking Aid

    In seeking out the Alderidge Academy, our heroes overcame their largest foe. It was giant... like, literally... it was a hill giant.

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  • 1021 AC

    11 Radiance

    Darkwood and Delusions

    The band of adventurers undertook a task to retrieve a limb of a darkwood tree from far within the Bramble Thicket for Professor Lunadream of the Alderidge Academy. The plantlife resisted and the return to the alderidge was obfuscated by the illusions of pixies.

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  • 1021 AC

    13 Radiance

    Cleansing the Soilrot
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Coming and going through the years, an individual known as "Garabor the Wise" traverses the region.  He does predentary rituals to bless the land.  Professor Eloise Ophin of the Alderidge Academy knows that Garabor uses his time in the nearby Blumenpom to encourage academy students to explore the darker arcane arts.  The mage hired our adventurers ensure that no further corruption was spread.

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  • 1021 AC

    15 Radiance
    1021 AC

    25 Radiance

    Hunting Horror

    The party meets the a feral man seeking aid. While traveling the countryside, he witnessed the butchering of a farming family in the middle of the night. He came to the Alderidge Academy to either find help or find information on whatever beast did this.
    Wulfgar joins the party

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  • 1021 AC

    25 Radiance

    Slaying the Boogeyman
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After returning to Delmon Ranch where this started for the party, they send a letter with Jorg's hawk familiar Bulwark to Argenhill.  The letter threatened and challenged Gozeni.  The letter was actually sent the day prior over the great distance in hopes of Gozeni Duskbull coming this day.  It wasn't until late this night that Argenhill thugs came as raiders to fell and capture the adventurers for mine work.  Only after many fell and some begged to be spared after fireballs tore through them did the oni sho herself, flying and invisible in the sky, release a gale of frozen air down on top of the party below.   After slaying the horror and removing her head, the party sent on of the survivors on horseback to return to Argenhill.  The intent was intimidate and establish a powerful position.  When the party eventually arrived the next day they found the messenger piked out front.

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  • 1021 AC

    26 Radiance

    The Assault on Argenhill

    Moving in stealthily, Wulfgar took out the gate guards before heading for the center of town.  The rest of the party followed in after on horseback.  The battle tore through the thugs and slavers up top with the conscripted soldiers quickly giving in to the change in power as the heroes called out for freedom of the miners (the conscripted soldiers families).  The battle quickly shifted lower into the mines and after a brash decision, tumbling down and elevator shaft to the smeltery.  More thugs and a half ogre were taken out before the party found Steward Terrowin Gozman surrounded by miner hostages and alchemical combustibles.  Wulfgar vaulted over the hostages and dealt with Gozman.  Valen brought the man under an enchantment, the battle was fully ended and authority of the mine shifted to the party

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  • 1021 AC

    First Harvest

    Founding of the Silver Wardens and Warden's Hold

    The party of adventurers have committed themselves to these people and take Argenhill as their own.  Taking the name of the Silver Wardens, they have formally dedicated themselves to each other and towards virtuous and glorious deeds they can accomplish together.

  • 1021 AC

    5 First Harvest

    Argenhill Memorial Festival of Pasts and Futures Lost
    Cultural event

    A week after the assault on Argenhill, the party of adventurers hosted a feast in remembrance and community. The memorial brought together those who had survived the atrocities of the mines, the communities of lost and broken rural families, and the Haggards needing a new beginning after being a part of something heinous of which they were unaware. It was during this memorial that Gabriel and Eliza Cofle showed off their new child and informed Deryn that they had named him Deryl.

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  • 1021 AC

    19 First Harvest

    Soultrembling and Presence Ending.
    Political event

    The party's social mistake with Noraferox within the Clan Kloughda Burrow exposed them to a greater example of her nightmarish title of Soultrembler.  All of the Silver Wardens except for Deryn fell prey to her night terrors but in the end made a deal to free the surrounding lands of her presence for 100 years and to free the Haggards from their deal.

  • 1021 AC

    19 First Harvest

    The Burrow of Clan Kloughda
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Silver Wardens sought to end the troubles of Clan Haggards infertile lands. Going to an ancient burrow thought to be haunted, the Wardens found falling through the initial chamber a secondary, larger catacomb filled with an entire lineage of skeletons taken care of by their family head. The priestly patron had made a deal with Noraferox to be able to always care for his kin. The Soultrembler granted the halfling patron this capability for far more than just his life. In exchange, Nora was given her freedom of the lands of Kloughda. The Hag could treat the abodes as hers and was owed the respect of the burrows being her home.   The Silver Wardens destroyed the clan and headman, freeing their souls to continue on. Little did the party know that Noraferox watched the entire enterprise.

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  • 1021 AC

    26 First Harvest
    1021 AC

    8 The Turning

    Weeding the Weedwood

    The Silver Wardens travel to the Weedwood to seek out the Ruins of Tolktair.  The keep was the center of golblinoid influence in the region.  The party gained an ally in the trapper Mira Gilsdottir and experienced first hand the eternal hunger of the region.

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  • 1021 AC

    3 The Turning

    The Shrill and the Void Gullet
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1021 AC

    3 The Turning

    The Siege of Tolktair
    Military action

    The Silver Wardens assaulted the ruined keep after an invisible investigation.  The party hit the surpised goblins hard but were hard shook when King Yamarz managed to gather a unit to counter attack.  The party eventually pushed the hobgoblin to retreat to the dungeon where the finished the battle among his bodyguards.  Only Silug the Shrill was left...

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  • 1021 AC

    14 The Turning
    1021 AC

    16 The Turning

    Bilespire's Bluff
    Discovery, Exploration

    On their journey to Draman to seek out diplomatic ties to grow Warden's Hold, the Silver Wardens followed the folklore of Bilespire in an attempt to further improve the area and grow their legend. Their time around Bilespire led to encounters with mutant creatures and eventually speaking to the great arcanist within Bilespire through the tower itself. The party left Bilespire with a task to acquire goods for the mage within to earn their full attention.

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  • 1021 AC

    23 The Turning
    1021 AC

    15 Cascade

    Dramani Diplomacy
    Diplomatic action

    The Silver Wardens spent three weeks within Draman establishing diplomatic relations within the city.  The party gained fame through fighting in the Kan Zaferi, competing in the sports fields, spreading stories in person and in print, doing good deeds, and researching in an altruist's museum.

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  • 1021 AC

    26 Cascade
    1022 AC

    10 The Thaw

    Winter in Warden's Hold
    Construction beginning/end

    With a winter to prepare for the expedition to Vicugan, the Silver Ward took their gathered wealth and funding from Maha Fillerin to better themselves and their home.  Warden's Hold's basic silver mining operation within the ruins of Argenhill was overall improved with the mines recieving increased funding, the keep being rebuilt and a tower built for Jorg's studies.  Magical items were made and training was done all around.

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  • 1022 AC

    27 The Thaw

    Expedition for Vicugan Begins

    The Silver Wardens began their expedition from Draman in search of the ancient lost city of Vicugan.

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  • 1022 AC

    27 The Thaw
    1022 AC

    13 New Growth

    Expedition for Vicugan

    The Silver Warden's set out into the Zin Zareth in search of Vicugan. They rode their way through the dunes upon a sandcrester, guided by the historian and archeaologist Inialos Olara and operate by the dwarven brother Darbin and Olog. Through the journey they encountered sandstorms bent around them by Jorg, a giant sand kraken, and the warring of the Musafirin and the Al-Iborak.

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  • 1022 AC

    13 New Growth

    The Discovery of Vicugan
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Silver Wardens discover the lost dwarven city of Vicugan in the Zin Zareth. Deep in the sands, a regional bank of illusion hides the plateau the city is built next to and within. A buried outer city is separated from the inner city by a defended gate within the plateau.

  • 1022 AC

    13 New Growth

    The Junun and the Battle of the Colossi
    Military action

    The outer, buried ruins of Vicugan's traveler's district were controlled by a horde of jackalwares known as the Junun ("The Lunacy"). Before the Silver Wardens had crossed through the protective hallucinatory barrier, the horde attacked the expedition at night attempting to steal Silug's Siphon from Jorg. Upon getting to the city, the remains of the horde were slain. In moving through the plataue's crags, the party found the final warchief's and the Void Gullet shaman waiting. A final unknow threat showed itself as the Junun activated the great defenses of Vicugan to defend themselves, using arcane thrones to operate colossus states at the expense of their own life force.

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  • 1022 AC

    15 New Growth 12:00

    Vicugan's Prismatic Gate Falls
    Discovery, Exploration

    As predicted though different than intended, the changing of the seasons brought with it access to the interior of Vicugan. The Prismatic Wall that protected the interior city dropped at noon of the Spring Equinox. The secretive city's automatic defense against outsiders during the colder, more temperate half of the year dropped. Open access to the city only exists when travelers would need to traverse the deadly desert, giving the occupants easier leeway to come and go when less likely to be harassed for their secrets.

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  • 1022 AC

    15 New Growth 14:00

    Angel Freed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Silver Wardens discovered and freed an angel trapped by the cult of Marnusht, That Which Desires . The angel had been trapped within the temple ziggurat since the fall of Vicugan. It had existed as a mute figurehead to substantiate the cult's "truth" and "righteousness". In being freed, the celestial used what remaining power it could to cleanse the present part of the city utilizing the aurora crystals to spread its divine light.

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  • 1022 AC

    15 New Growth 23:00


    After the Silver Warden freed the angerl trapped by the followers of Marnusht, they descended further into Vicugan scouting the magma filled industrial district before returning outside for rest.  In the night, an Ethereal Filcher showed itself to be integrated into their camp where it stole Silug's Siphon.

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  • 1022 AC

    16 New Growth

    Cleansing of the Restoration Pool
    Religious event

    Delving too far and too fast into Vicugan after the loss of Silug's Siphon, Valen took the brunt of a Neothelid's psionics and was Feebleminded.  The Silver Wardens were forced to turn back to the temple of Sol.  The performed a ritual to purifying the Pool of Restoration from Marnusht's influence and save Valen's mind.

  • 1022 AC

    16 New Growth 19:00

    Superego VS Id
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Silver Warden's descended into the temple of Marnusht, That Which Desires , battled against his high priest, and sacrifice themselves through the Power of Friendship to banish his influence from Vicugan once and for all.

  • 1037 AC

    11 Blossoms
    1037 AC

    17 Blossoms

    Next Legend: Gathering Heroes
    Gathering / Conference

    A host of adventurers have found themselves in the remote, wilderness village of Glen Hollow. Some of them come seeking things as simple as gold or glory. Others follow greater ideals of trying to find self or purpose in helping others. Still, some come looking not to aid but to expand their chosen influences, seeking pieces to greater puzzles. Whatever purposes bring them here, all have found themselves gathered in service to people desperate for aid.

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  • 1037 AC

    17 Blossoms
    1037 AC

    19 Blossoms

    More than Barghained For
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The newly gathered adventurers begin their investigations into a ravenous horde in the wilderness around Glen Hollow.  They discover that the gibberlings are meerly the labor force for a greater threat.  Digging out a the geodic prisms linked to the Treaty of Prisms, the hobgoblin Eoraut beseeched the the archfey Bodrenia to alter the status quo.  When opposed by the heroes, she showed her true form as a greater barghest.   The conflict ranged between the Geodic Prism to Glen Hollow and back.  Aided by the guardian spirit of the Badger, the party attempted to stop the Eoraut's ritual before a final confrontation within the icy mountains of Bodrenia's realm in the Feywild.

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  • 1037 AC

    22 Blossoms
    1037 AC

    24 Blossoms

    Pack-ing Up

    Our heroes return from Bodrenia's realmed proved to not be immediate. Finding their way back to Glen Hollow, they found it mostly deserted. The only people there were individuals who shouldn't have been there. Within, answering calls and seeing Daniel's Skywriting, the party found the odd assortment of folk who called themselves the Valiant End. They too arrove within Glen Hollow seeking to answer calls for aid but arrived only after the villagers had left and our heroes had done their job. Scrutinizing them, the party eventually chose to trust the men and to pay them to stay at Glen Hollow for another week or so to guard the place until the villagers could be chased down and sent back. The night on the road proved a peaceful one and many conversations were had, bonds slowly forming among the crew.   Continuing on to Tradefork in the next day, the party arrived before nightfall to the praise of the villagers. The reward was less than anticipated due to the costs the villagers had incurred within Tradefork, and the accepted reward was even less then that as the party decided to not bleed the villagers dry. The true reward came in renown. Claiming victory, the party also took the opportunity to dub themselves the Iron Wolves. If they were to be working together for the time being, there would be no shirking the task of gaining renown as fast as possible. Especially because that renown was already proving useful as there was someone in Trade Fork that could use adventurers in place of peasantry for the task they needed.

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  • 1037 AC

    25 Blossoms
    1037 AC

    26 Blossoms

    Chimeric Harvest
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Iron Wolves hunt down the venom gland of an aquatic chimera found somewhere along the nearby coast.

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  • 1037 AC

    26 Blossoms
    1037 AC

    1 Growing Ember

    Scented Flowers, Sonorous Birdsongs
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Iron Wolves sign a contract to help the herbalist Aldarina acquire one more component upon Agate Cay.  I sleepless storming night by boat led into a harsh harvest of a a deadly flower.  With dangerous supposedly past, the party heard cannon fire from shore.  Rushing back they witnessed their vessel get robbed by pirates.  As the pirates retreated, a signal arrow summon harpies from the rocky shore to lure the ship and passengers to their doom.  The Iron Wolves battle to save their fishermen and voyage from the island ranged from shore to boat to rocking nesting ground.  In they end, the part spent their next night continental within the private homes of the villagers.

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  • 1037 AC

    2 Growing Ember
    1037 AC

    5 Growing Ember

    Mingled Pursuits
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves escort the herbalist Ladore Aldarina back to Phaloxil and meet with his employer the Marquis Bifulco. The Iron Wolves make a deal with the Marquis that will be sending them back to Agate Cay for the retrieval of Daniel's tome and the purging of pirates.

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  • 1037 AC

    6 Growing Ember
    1037 AC

    7 Growing Ember

    Maritime Mayhem

    The Iron Wolves experience some maritime mayehm on their return to Agate Cay to the disdain of Captain Pogenath of the Phaloxil navy.

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  • 1037 AC

    7 Growing Ember
    1037 AC

    8 Growing Ember

    Fey-Nominal Informant

    The Iron Wolves return to Agate Cay, face a watery foe at a ship wreck, negotiate with a fey, and break through a netted back door.

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  • 1037 AC

    8 Growing Ember
    1037 AC

    11 Growing Ember

    Parley of the Century
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves press in on the pirates of Agate Cay and commit a deed that will send a stone rolling to change their lives.

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  • 1037 AC

    11 Growing Ember
    1037 AC

    12 Growing Ember

    Party Preparations

    The Iron Wolves are enlightened to the greater context behind their recent actions and find themselves with only a few days before they are put in the spotlight.

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  • 1037 AC

    13 Growing Ember

    Gala of Bird and Beast
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves attend a gala where they are courted by many suitors.

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  • 1037 AC

    14 Growing Ember

    On the Tail of a Rotten Smell
    Criminal Activity

    The Iron Wolves pursue leads on the identity of Lyle's evening escapade from the night before.

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  • 1037 AC

    15 Growing Ember

    Deposits and Depositions: Cashing in Credits & Threats
    Civil action

    Gregor attends his depositions and decides what his true view on the case of Phaloxil v. Doga truly is. After the depostion, the Iron Wolves approach Admiral Ava Hall to continue tthe conversation she started at the Gala.

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  • 1037 AC

    16 Growing Ember 7538:00
    -6494 AC


    Fortnight Mercenaries
    Life, Career

    The Iron Wolves spend two weeks being local heroes while waiting for the trial of Phaloxil v. Doga.

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  • 1037 AC

    1 High Sun
    1037 AC

    3 High Sun

    Phaloxil v. Doga, Iron Wolves v. Fame
    Civil action

    World Stage: The trial of Ira Doga commences   Campaign Stage: The Iron Wolves deal with the ramifications of their choices.

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  • 1037 AC

    4 High Sun
    1037 AC

    4 Radiance

    Sailing Aber and First Post

    The Iron Wolves travel to Zhalvazho and do a small extermination job on the way.

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  • 1037 AC

    4 Radiance
    1037 AC

    15 Radiance

    Dawnbringer's Command & Glistenknell's Toll
    Military action

    The Iron Wolves take an escort mission for a diplomat that proves to be the start of something more.

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  • 1037 AC

    15 Radiance
    1037 AC

    1 First Harvest

    Mired Intentions
    Military action

    Upon returning to Dawnbringer Command, the Iron Wolves experience one bad revelation after another.  The Iron Wolves accept a Black Ops mission to extract an asset from under the Bunolsid's eyes to aid in the destruction of the syndicate.

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  • 1037 AC

    1 First Harvest
    1037 AC

    15 First Harvest

    Sieving Mysteries From the Debris
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Iron Wolves delve into the Cosyen Debris, recover a Sarcophagus, take a prisoner, and break through layers with Captain Pogenath

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  • 1037 AC

    22 First Harvest
    1037 AC

    25 First Harvest

    Debriefing and Re-Meeting
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Iron Wolves delve into their sarcophagus, meet a distant relation, and commit to greater deeds for the future of Zhalvazho

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  • 1037 AC

    26 First Harvest
    1037 AC

    5 The Turning

    ONG: Labors, Myths, and Revenge

    The Iron Wolves begin their Operation: No Genocide, gather a crew in Yarguel, learn the folklore behind the Shid, and take their first deliberate wound from the Bunolsid.

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  • 1037 AC

    5 The Turning
    1037 AC

    11 The Turning

    ONG: Investigating the Northern Islands
    Diplomatic action

    The Iron Wolves learn more of their pursuit at Brackland Hold before making relations with the other side of this quarrel at the Dire Chain.

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  • 1037 AC

    12 The Turning
    1037 AC

    15 The Turning

    ONG: Descent Into New Depths

    The Iron Wolves sail into the World Breach, Face it's trials, and enter into the kuo-toa camp home to the Bunolsid.

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  • 1037 AC

    15 The Turning
    1037 AC

    16 The Turning

    ONG: Phantom of the Deep
    Military: Battle

    The Iron Wolves dive into the Shid's Shrine to attempt to treat the god for better or worse.

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  • 1037 AC

    17 The Turning
    1037 AC

    24 The Turning

    Triumphant Return and Owed Dues
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Iron Wolves return to Dawnbringer Command after the success of Operation: No Genocide.

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  • 1037 AC

    1038 AC

    The Still

    Wintering Well and Sailing Still

    The Iron Wolves take the winter off to relax, recuperate, train, and also kind of live up to their word on Building Kritham and his sons a house.

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  • 1038 AC

    1 The Thaw

    Big Boy from Small Beginnings
    Life, Identity

    The Iron Wolves arrive at Galley View to visit Lyle's home and finish something long overdue.

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  • 1038 AC

    2 The Thaw
    1038 AC

    3 The Thaw

    Wilde-Life, Currentcies, and Lessons
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Iron Wolves delve into the Bramble Thicket.  Lyle's offhanded hopes of some faerie shenanigans proves to me more than he wished for.  The Iron Wolves make it to the Alderidge Academy to research and purchase power... which also proves more than they wished for...

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  • 1038 AC

    4 The Thaw

    Goodbyes and Supplies

    The Iron Wolves say their goodbyes to Daniel.

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  • 1038 AC

    5 The Thaw
    1038 AC

    19 The Thaw

    Port to Port

    The Iron Wolves' sight was set outward. With a goal of Lacington but needing someplace to store their water craft, their course would take them up the Nerm Warren Channel, through the taxation of the Phaloxil Blockade, and into the port of Locath. The journey went well if a bit dreary as rains past through on the season's winds. Presentation to the blockade went simply with minimal charge due to having no commercial cargo.

    For posterity, the SeaWolf left Galley View the morning of the 7th, went through the blockade on the 11th, and arrived in Locath on the 19th

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  • 1038 AC

    19 The Thaw
    1038 AC

    20 The Thaw

    Bountiful Friendship

    For the first time, when the Iron Wolves past comes back to haunt them in Locath it at least comes with good tidings.

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  • 1038 AC

    20 The Thaw
    1038 AC

    24 The Thaw

    Caravan and Caring Clan

    Heading out to Lacington, the Iron Wolves travel two days west on the Colonial Highway, one day ferrying over the Nerm Warren Channel, and then have a final three days of pleasant travel over open roadway before their C-c-c-combo on peaceful days is broken.

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