Deposits and Depositions: Cashing in Credits & Threats

Civil action


Gregor attends his depositions and decides what his true view on the case of Phaloxil v. Doga truly is. After the depostion, the Iron Wolves approach Admiral Ava Hall to continue tthe conversation she started at the Gala.

The next day, the goliath went in for his deposition. The hearing contained an impartial Scribe of the courts to perform the Zone of Truth and record the session, two military police, and the opposing counsels. With everything in the room official after the instruction and until both lawyers left, the deposition Began. Gregor was to start with a debriefing of the Iron Wolves full statement of the capture of Ira Doga. Gregor gave a very tactiful recitation to protect the crew but technically everything was truthful. Barrister Catherine de Mulde's very first question after this was to ask if he had been instructed in what he was supposed to say... where Gregor handed over the note and spoke out against bribery, threats, the false waiter at the gala, and the fact that some political force wants Doga dead. In for a penny, in for a pound.
  De Mulde's questions then followed a line of winning sympathy for the man and making it clear that he was not living in luxury as he should be, that he has been serving a sentence in exile because that was his only choice. He was a man seeking redemption for a past he didn't choose. From here, Attorney General Rayd Manfre took over. He played into Gregor's service background and led his questions along the lines of a man that had betrayed the trust of Phaloxil and the marred the reputation of the city and it's good works. His questions led down a line of a man continuing to do the same deceitful and abusive tactics he always had available to him. De Mulde objected multiple times as Manfre began to direct the kinds of answer Gregor would give with his own testimony.
  As the Attorney General attempted to leave after the questioning, Gregor stopped him to quest time to speak freely. Manfre gave it. The sergeant then spoke his own testimony, beliefs of redemption, and how Ira Doga deserved the truth of his situation to be known rather than punished by shadows of he-said-she-said. After the Manfre left, de Mulde asked Gregor to join her cause. Not only was she defending Ira Doga but she would be Countersuing for defamation, conspiracy, and Embezzlement of the rights and properties owed to a naval captain at the end of a long career. Gregor declined, having had more than enough of the courts already.
  The goliath returned to his friends and they made some big decisions. It seemed as if everyone was on board for taking Admiral Hall up on her offer to get out of Phaloxil, both from previously discussed reasons of glory, military service, and a land of exotic places and beasts... but also because Gregor just placed a huge target on everyone's back with being open about everything shadowing and giving a hearfelt sympathetic testimony.
  The Iron Wolves sought out Admiral Ava Hall in Gusede to begin negotiations for possible service for Phaloxil within Zhalvazho. The party worked in Daniel gaining credit for their family's lineage property despite the the service being an unothodox one. The counter point to it is that Daniel was tying their name in with the other Iron Wolves, requiring everyone to behave for the time to be counted. The companions also doubled their monthly retained under the condition that they would have a lower possibility of passing on presented missions. The Iron Wolves took the information to think on for the next few weeks with the knowledge that they would have to decide by the end of the Court hearings on Captain Ira Doga. It would be then that Admiral Hall would return to her station in Zhalvazho.

The following outlines the deal the Iron Wolves made with Admiral Hall already including the negotiation to doubled the retainer from 50, stipulating they can only skip 1 assignment instead of two, and the forfeit also doubled to 200 from 100:
Contract: Mercenary Service to Phaloxil's Military
~ Mercenaries will be under the orders of Admiral Ava Hall
~ Retainer pay per party member: 50 gp per month, paid at the beginning of the month starting when you board a vessel for Zhalvazho
~ Additional Payment per job undertaken for the military
~ Housing provided between missions based on availability of station
~ May pass on no more than one assignment. The second assignment must be taken for forfeit of contract.
~ Forfeit of contract comes with it a fine of 100 gp per person and shipment of persons back to Phaloxil in minimal conditions.
~ Cancelation of Contract requires 1 months notice. No assignments may be denied in the last month of Service unless otherwise agreed upon.
~ Expectation to Report In at least once per fortnight to ensure presence for duty unless otherwise agreed upon.
~ Failure to Report In when scheduled while not on assignment will be considered Away Without Leave.

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