Welcome to Craven Cove

Cultural event


The Fractured Pack arrive to the outskirts of Craven Cove to many realizations.  They had learned from Sigismund that it was bigger than they thought but now they truly see it.  They also learn that this task is going to be much harder than previously thought.  Finally, pieces fall into place as to how their previous encounters in these jungles relate to one another.

The companions made their way to the outskirts of the port town to fully realize how much bigger an operation this was than they thought. Even with what Sigismund had sketched in the dirt, this would be a major operation to save the slaves. Sigismund had estimated 200 slaves to an average of 500 pirates in port at any given time. Sigismund's suggestion for dealing with the situation was to take out the three leaders of the cove if the Fractured Pack wanted to not only save the present slaves but also break down the chances of more being taken.
  With the proposal of having to take out all of three leaders, Sigismund made it known that Moore Godwin had been the one to imprison him. In the process, captain had taken something from him which Sigismund wanted to get back. He would happily aid in the insurgency. Beginning plans were proposed of coming in the night via water or air, causing an explosion at the gunpowder supply to draw attention, and using the distraction to get the slaves out. Hiccoughs occurred in the theory craft of trying to suddenly do a prison break of 200 people who had no idea this was happening. If the party could inform them ahead of time, what were the chances of the plan leaking?
  As these questions were pondered, a bell began to ring in the town. Sigismund identified it as the gathering bell for a noon announcement. While not everyone would attend, many would either be there or having someone going for them them. These happened but were not a daily or even weekly occurrence. Quickly, the party split up with Buck and Sigismund planning to attend under Anna's invisibility spell. Walking hand-in-hand, the duo climbed to the higher jungle, passing right under the watch towers to go down their cliff steps into the town.
  Tucking out of the way between two buildings just off of the main square, Sigismund was able to put context to what Buck saw. The stone structure that served as Dryden's home and base of operations was built onto the cliff ahead. A long stone patio half way down cliff served as the announcement podium for such talks. The fury, partial bugbear form of Captain Moore was pacing the patio as the elder aristocratic Dryden walked down to meet him. No announcement though. The the slow, clacking footsteps of the lady of shadeshore manor made her appearance from above. Joining the men, it was rare for all three to be seen together. The announcement that followed was an odd one.
  The Lady of Shadeshore Manor gave a short speech on society. On how the citizens of Craven Cove had built something special upon their own backs, their own efforts and desires. Odd symbology for slavers. She then made it known that it would be getting more crowded as no one would be leaving for the moment and that any ship returning to harbor would stay as well. This was happening because the lady's contacts had informed her that there was a new enterprise working against Craven Cove. She could not say how long it would take to deal with the problem but assured everyone she and her contacts would seek an end to the problem. Until that could happen, though, the citizens of Craven Cove should remain in town. Be on guard for possible subterfuge but most importantly be here. If anyone had questions, suspicions, or problems, both Mr. Dryden and Captain Moore would be available to help solve any issue. She then ascended the stairs over a bewildered audience.
  While the vagueness of everything was confusing to Buck and Sigismund, the long time citizens were in no better place. Rumors and gossip spread as people were trying to figure out what this vague problem was. They knew of no trade breakdowns for products nor slaver ships that got caught. There had been no major raids of merchant lords being stolen from. No outsiders had been seen in the area or upon the river out to the channel.
  Taking the confusion with them, the invisible duo made their way back out of the town, taking their time to do it right. Back with Hali and Anna, the news was shared. Whatever the situation, things just got more difficult and would continue to get more difficult as time went on. Conversation on the topic caused slight connection of information. “The Lady” had been something said before. The vague moniker was not knew. But where was it said? Only after all of this did Sigismund finally say the name of the Lady of Shadeshore Manor: Louisa Prescott.
  Things began to fall into place. Hali had written that name into her book many times. Lousia Prescott was writer of the journals she had taken from the shipwreck. Ripus had referred to “the Lady”. The journals that spoke of nightmares. The map to the Shrine of the Slumbering Nightmares. The ghost stories among pirates and slaves alike of the Tertalak around Craven Cove. Tertalaks have both Mortal and Immortal masters. Lady Louisa Prescott was the one who had summoned it.

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